  • 期刊


Detection of Incipient Decay in Wood Chips by Fluorescence Microscopy and Staining Techniques



製漿木片一般採戶外堆存,易受微生物感染而生劣化,影響紙漿之收率及強度性質,木片品質之檢測乃有其必要。檢測木片劣化以顯微鏡觀察為主,惟手續繁瑣,不易經常施行。本研究探討以染色技術配合表面螢光顯微鏡觀察木片,以徒手刀片切削平面偵測菌質之可行性。試驗木片包括省產速生樹種玫瑰桉(Eucalyptus grandis)、直幹相思樹(Acacia mangium)、臺灣赤楊(Alnus formosana)及進口紅木(mangrove spp.)。木片在接種特定之白腐(Coriolus versicolor)及褐腐菌(Postia placenta)後,於不同時間取出,經固定、洗清、徒手切削後以螢光染色劑及調整染色劑處理即可直接觀察,菌質與木材之差異清楚易辨。觀察者仍須對木材組織有相當了解,蓋有些樹種細胞之內容物之螢光反應與菌質相似,偶而會生混淆。以此法檢測木片受菌類感染可在劣化初期簡便、迅速的發現問題,及時用之製漿,減少損失以提高紙質。


Wood chips for pulping arc stored in outdoor piles for an indefinite period of time before use. Under the hot and humid local weather, they are susceptible to microbial degradation, affecting pulp yield and strength. Screening wood chips is important in ensuring good pulp quality. Microscopic observation of chips for signs of degradation is, however, handicapped by procedure difficulties end rarely employed in routine work. In this study, fluorescence microscopy and staining technique are investigated as means of detecting weed destroying fungal hyphae. Chips of Alnus formosana, Acacia mangium, Eucalyptus grandis plantation weed and mangrove were inoculated with Condos versicolor and Postia placenta fungi in vitro and removed after 7, 14 and 30 days, fixed, microtomed or free-hand razor trimmed, stained and obscrved under both bright-field and fluoresence microscopes. Wood chips stained with acridine orange generally fluoresced a yellow-green color while fungal tissue fluoresced reddish-brown. A contaminant fungus suspected to be Trichoderma sp., on the other hand, can be stained effectively with calcofluor stain. Fluorescence microscopy showed good distinction between the word substrate and the invading fungal hyphae. Some wood cell contents tended to show similar fluorcscence to that of the lungs, but knowledge of cell morphology should easily prevent confusion in diagnosis. Incipient fungal infection thus cache seedily observed with this technique.
