  • 期刊


The Effect of Treatment Variables on the Preservation of Cryptomeria japonica



柳杉為本省電桿用材之重要樹種,施行防腐處理時,所使用壓力之大小及施壓時間之長短,均直接影響防腐劑之吸收量及滲透量。鑑於本省各防腐工廠已往防腐處理柳杉電桿效果不良,故特研擬該計畫。本研究旨在測定使用不同壓力及施壓時間,防腐處理柳杉木材,比較其防腐劑之吸收量及滲透量,尤其著重觀測其心材部分之滲透性,並尋求最適宜之處理方法,以供各防腐工廠參考應用。 本研究採用CCA型防腐劑實施加壓防腐處理,所用壓力分別為8kgf/平方公分,11kgf/平方公分及14kgf/平方公分,施壓時間分別為3,4,5hrs。茲將所得結果列示如下: 1.防腐處理柳杉電桿木,其操作標準係採用壓力8kgf/平方公分,施壓時間5hrs,或壓力11kgf/平方公分,施壓時間3hrs,均可使防腐劑吸收量達到使用標準。 2.防腐處理柳杉木之心材部分,並無特殊困難之處,其防腐劑之吸收量及滲透量均可隨壓力之加大及操作時間之延長而增加,使其幾乎可達到需要標準。 3.柳杉木之邊材都分對於防腐劑之滲入甚為容易。 4.一般有謂柳杉電桿木難以防腐處理,推測其原因或為乾燥不足,含水率過高之故,如防腐處理前之木材,能乾燥至含水率達到纖維飽和點(約30%)以下時,其防腐處理應無困難。


Cryotomeria japonica, Cunninghamia lanceoluta and Taiwania cryptomerioides are three major plantation tree species in Taiwan. They are considered to be excellent wood pole materials. Over the past years, however, power and telephone companies have shown little interest in using these forest resources. The lack of interest in wood poles are causing problems to marketing and utilization of oar forest products. Treated wood pate is estimated to last up to 20 years under Taiwan's environment. A recent survey reported by Taiwan Power Co., however, indicated that their wood poles could only last 2-3 years. The ceases are being investigated by Taiwan Forest Research Institute. The purposes of this experiment are as follows: (1). Determination of the effect of treatment pressure on the penetration end retention of preservative in wood. (2). Investigation of the correlations between treatment time and penetration end retention of preservative in wood. (3). Evaluation of the treatability of Cryptomeria japonica heartwood. The results obtained ore as fellow: (I). To meet the requirement of Taiwan Power Co. (9.6 Kg/m^3 dry powder of Boliden K-33 in wood), the treatment conditions for Cryptomeria japonica shall be 8Kg/cm^2 pressure for 5 hrs or 11Kg/cm^2 of pressure for 3 hrs. (2). Heartwood of Cryptomeria japonica is not difficult to treat. Retention and penetration of chemical in wend wet found in increase in quantity with increasing pressure and time of treatment. (3). Sepwood of Cryptomeria japonica is easily treated. (4). Failure of treating Cryptomeria japonica in the past may he doe to excessive moisture content of wood.
