  • 期刊


Developmental Biology of Female Syconium of Ficus Awkeotsang Makino-Changes in the Quantities of Pectinmethylesterase, Pectin, Methoxyl Group and Achene



自愛玉隱花果之先端微張開一小孔口,即其內盛開雌花之日起至隱花果成熟花托轉變為紫紅色止計120口之瘦果發育期間,每隔約15日採隱花果,測量、分析其各項生化及形態特性變化之基本資料,亦供為決定適當的採收期的依據。依隱花果發育特徵可分為五個發育期,各期特性如下: (一)花托鮮重急增期:雌花盛開日起至瘦果發育第16日,花托持續長大,其鮮重及瘦果含水率均急速增加,而達到隱花果成熟轉變顏色前花托最大、最重及瘦果含水率最高峰期,花托最大之長度為8.0公分、徑寬5.1公分、重量為61公克,瘦果含水率最高為88%。雌花測得有果膠酯酶、果膠及甲氧基存在,惟其量極微。 (二)瘦果鮮重快增期:瘦果發育第17日起至第62日止,此時花托未再增大,鮮重亦無增加,僅瘦果發育快速,其鮮重增至38公克,為隱花果成熟前瘦果鮮重最重時期。瘦果含水率隨發育時間增加而逐漸降低,果膠酯酶活性、果膠及甲氧基量則相反,隨發育時間而大量增加。 (三)瘦果乾物質堆積成熟期:瘦果發育第63日起至第96日止,瘦果鮮重未再增加,乃因瘦果乾物質堆積增加之鮮重為其含水率下降之水分重所抵銷,其含水率降至最低之66%。瘦果乾重、果膠酯酶、果膠及甲氧基等均隨發育時間增加而遞增至最高峰,每隱花果內瘦果的乾重、果膠酯酶、果膠及甲氧基量依序分別為12.8公克、1548單位、1057毫克及117毫克,瘦果發育第96日為最適當採收時間。 (四)花托鮮重再增期:瘦果發育第97日起至第108日止,瘦果乾重未再增加,惟花托鮮重再度開始增加,隱花果內全部瘦果的果膠酯酶活性開始降低。 (五)隱花果紅熟期:瘦果發育第109日起至第120日止,瘦果含水率再度急增,鮮重亦劇增,瘦果外果皮含之果膠呈黏膠狀,乾燥不易,貯藏容易發霉,花托顏色逐漸轉變為紅紫並裂開為2-4裂,果膠酯酶活性,果膠及甲氧基量均降低。


愛玉 隱花果 瘦果 果膠酯酶 果膠 甲氧基 發育生物學


Since the openning of a tiny hole at one cod of the female syconium of jelly-fig, blossom starts inside the syconium. The whole developmental process, up to the mature of the syconium takes a total of 120 days. Far every 15 days, the syconia were collected and different growth parameters and biochemical characters were measured. Basically the development of syconium mold he divided mm five stages as follows: (1) Rapid increment of syconium fresh weight. This is happened in the first 16 days since blossum. The fresh weight of syconium increased quickly as well as the increase of the moisture content of achenes. The maximum sine of syconium reached at this stage has a measure of 8.0cm in length and 5.1cm in diameter, and has a weight of big. The moisture content of the achenes reached 88%. However pectinmethylesterase activity, pectin and methoxyl groups were barely delectable (2) Rapid Increment of achenes fresh weight. In this stage syconium increased neither fresh weight nor size, while the achenes increased the weight up to 38g per syconium and reached the maximum weight. The moisture content of achenes decreased as the time went. On the other hand, pectinmethylesterase activity, pectin and methoxyl group all increased with lime. (3) Dry matter increment of achenes. From 63 DAA (days after anthesis) to 96 DAA, the fresh weight of achenes remained balanced between the decreasing water content and accumulating of dry matter. At this stage the moisture content down to 66% and was the lowest value since blossum. The dry weight of achenes, pectinmethylesterase activity, pectin and methoxyl group per syconium all increased to the plateau they were 12.8g. 1548 units, l.06g and 117mg respectively. This is the optimal liner far harvesting the fruits. (4) The second increment of the fresh weight of syconium. From 97 DAA in 100 DAA, the dry weight of achenes kept constant, while the fresh weight increased again. At the same period, pectinmethylesterase activity per syconium decreased. (5) Maturation of syconium. From 109 DAA to 120 DAA, bath of the moisture content and fresh weight of achenes increased dramatically, pericarp of achenes became sticky. Outer surface of syconium turned to red-purple in color, and dehisenced longitudinally into 2-4 parts. Alt the biochemical characters, i.e., pectinmethylesterase activity, pectin and methoxyl group content reduced quickly.


