

由於成熟性之限制,採自14年生牛樟之插穗,發根困難,經2000~400Q ppm IBA處理後之發根率,僅及20~26%。母株經截幹後,根株生成之幼年化萌藥,可成功扦插繁殖,2000~4000ppm IBA之發根率為81~86%,較對照組增加8~13%, IBA濃度超過2000ppm時,插穗基部壞死率將顯著增加,不宜採用。以泥炭土及蛭石等量容積混合之發根介質,發根率及穗基壞死率各為78%及90%,介質中添加砂質壤土,可提高10~11%發根率,珍珠石則可降低4~6%之穗基壞死率。採自主枝或側枝帶頂芽之頂端插穗,發根品質無差異,惟遠優於節間插穗。傷害處理雖可增加7~9%發根率,然亦增加7~9%穗基壞死率,不宜採用,尤以高溫多濕之發根環境為然。已發根插穗移植到塑膠袋之成苗率為76~86%,視其發根品質而定,發根數多或基部未壞死之插穗,不僅成苗率或各部位乾重高,頂芽綻放並抽發新葉之時期亦早。直接杆插於穴植管之成苗率為41~67%,仍視介質比率而定,此作業雖可減少移植費用,然增加因高枯死率所致之介質裝填及回收之成本損失。插穗經前癒台處理後,續以已形成癒合組織之插穗,直接杆插於穴植管之成苗率為82~93%,塑膠袋苗則為80~82%,視介質比率而定。此乃商業性生產牛樟穗苗之技術中,成本最低且高效率之作業方式。今後研究之重點,應在誘導成熟優型母樹幹基形成簇生藥之技術,大量蒐集優良表型之基因,以建立育種採穗園。


Due to the effect of maturation, the percentage of root formation of Cinnarnomum kanehirae Hag. cuttings collected from 14-year-old ortets was only 20~26% even though they were treated with 2000~4000ppm IBA. After coppicing the ortets, numerous stump sprouts with high juvenility were formed. The rooting ability of terminal cuttings collected from them reached 73%. When treated with 2000~4000 ppm IBA, the rooting percentage increased significantly to 81~86% while the mortality rate decreased from 27% to 13~19%. The presence of necrosis at the base of cuttings, however, increased significantly if the concentrations of IBA were applied over 3000ppm. Rooting medium is critical to the sucess of rooting formation. Mixing peat moss and vermiculites in equal volume would result in the acceptable rooting quality. By adding sandy loam to this mixture would increase rooting ability about 10~11%. On the other hand, when perlites were added to the mixture the percentages of basal necrosis would be lessened about 4~6%. As to the types of cuttings, there was no difference in rooting quality between terminal cuttings collected from leaders or laterals. Internode cuttings without apical buds, however, were always inferior to terminal cuttings in rooting quality. The rooting percentages increased 7~9% but basal necrosis increased 11~19% when the cuttings were wounded by three different methods. The wounding treatment was not recommended for propagating the leafy softwood cuttings of Cinnamomum kanehirae, especially under the rooting environments of high temperature and humidity. Depended on the rooting quality, the survival ratio of rooted cuttings was about 76~86% when they were transplanted into plastic bags. The higher survival rate and superior growth were observed for the cuttings with more rooting numbers or without the basal necrosis. The time to flush for the apical buds were also earlier for the rooted cuttings with higher rooting quality. Depended on the mixing ratios of media, survival rate of cuttings rooted directly into dippling tubes was about 41~67%. Although the cost of transplanting was substantially reduced by such approach, the cost for recovery of rooting media and maintaining increased due to the higher mortality of cuttings. The rooting ability and growth performance were significantly improved for cuttings with precallusing formation. Six monthes after directly rooting into the containers, the survival rate was 80~82% for plastic bags and 82~93% for dippling tubes. Such low-cost techniques for the rooted cutting productions of Cinnamornum Icanehirac is promising for the large scale operation.


CHUNG, K. F., & HSIEH, C. L. (2023). Synopsis of Camphora (Cinnamomeae, Lauraceae) of Taiwan, with two new combinations and one new synonym. TAIWANIA, 68(3), 384-390. https://doi.org/10.6165/tai.2023.68.384


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