  • 期刊


Effects of Cutting Conditions on Quality of Machined Surface of Red Oak Using NC Router



NC木工機械可說是目前自動化程度聶高的加工機器,因其高度加工精確度,適於作少量多樣的加工作業,已成家具製造業的寵物。國內家具製造業為求提升加工水準,改善加工效率,紛紛投資設置此種先進機械,加入生產行列。然因木材為具有木理走向的生物性材料,為充分發揮NC機械之加工性能,必須先從瞭解木材的切削性質著手,方能獲致事半功倍之效果。本計畫係以江櫟木為試材,就NC木工機器作溝槽加工,探討不同刀具直徑(10、12、18mm),纖維傾斜角(0°~180°)及送材速度(l、3、5、10m/min)對切削面品質及粗糙度之影響,盼能提供 NC加工作業所需之適正加工條件。茲將所獲結果列舉如下: l.溝槽加工時加工缺點之發生程度,均有隨送材速度之增大而顯著惡化之趨勢,此一情況尤以送材速度10m/min時為甚。 2.切削時溝壁所發生之撕裂木理,以纖維傾斜角在135°~165°間較為嚴重。 3.溝壁之切削缺點較溝底為嚴重。 4.一般言之,溝壁之切削品質,在順木理切削時以上向切削較佳,但在逆木理切削時,則以下向切削為優,切削溝之粗糙度亦有相同趨勢。 5.NC木工機械在逆木理之切削情況,可藉降低送材速度,提高回轉數,增加有效刀數來減輕撕裂木理之發生程度。另一方面,亦可利用更換逆轉刀軸之方式,將逆木理切削改變為順木理切削,以避免撕裂木理之發生,不過此時在機械購置時須加留意,使具備一個逆轉刀軸。


Numerically controlled (NC) woodworking machine is a highly automatic machinery which is suitable for production system of small quantity and many items. Many of the domestic furniture maker equipped with this kind of machine to increase the efficiency and accuracy of machining processes. However, the machinabilities of wood depend on its grain direction, and the knowledge of wood cutting is indispensable for effective application of NC machine. In this paper, the effects of machining conditions including feeding speeds, toot diameters and grain directions, upon the quality of machined grooves were examined. Weeds of red oak were used for tests. The results obtained are summarized as fellows: 1. The defects generated at the grooves became mere serious as the feeding speed increased. 2. The tern grain occurred at the wells of grooves was most serious for grain angle ranging from 135° to 165°. 3. The defects generated at the well of groove were more serious than those generated at the bottom of groove. 4. Generally speaking, better quality of the watt of groove was obtained by up-cutting in the case of machining along the grain, hot when machining against the grain better quality was obtained by dawn-culling. 5. When machining against the groin using NC weed working machine, the extent of torn grain can be reduced by decreasing the feeding speed, increasing the rotational speed of spindle, and increasing the effective number of knives en the cotter heed. Furthermore, a reversely rotating spindle can be used to change the against grain cutting to the along grain cutting, so that the tern grain can be avoided.


