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A Study of Internet and Information Services Provided by Public Libraries in the America



建立一個全方位終身學習的環境,是資訊化社會非常重要的關鍵。公共圖書館作為「社區資訊資源中心」,必須創造機會及組織、整合資訊,提供更適合市民之終身學習資源與資訊服務。近年來借助網路與資訊科技的發達,圖書館顧客導向的服務愈來愈明顯,北市圖在曾館長的領導之下,在資訊服務上有著卓越的進步,諸如:自動化系統的更新、書香宅急便系統的啟用、參考服務視訊櫃臺服務、手機簡訊催還通知服務、為讀者「量身訂製」的My Librarian個人化資訊服務等等,提供了市民更為便利的資訊服務及塑造更佳的終身學習環境。本篇文章藉由觀摩學習國外公共圖書館新的服務趨勢與經驗,希冀能提供圖書館規劃更有效率、更便利的圖書資訊服務。


公共圖書館 資訊服務 網路


To create an all-inclusive, lifelong learning environment, it is important to build up an information society. In order to carry the mission of a community information resource center, the public library needs to provide its readers with efficient internet and information services through opportunity development, organization management and information integration. With the advancement of information science, it's more and more popular for libraries to provide customized information services. Under the supervision of Library Director, Dr. Tseng, TPL has made distinguished progress in information services, including the change of the SIRSI System, Household Prompt Book Delivery Service, Real Time System's Instant Reference Service, Mobile Phone SMS Notifying Service, and My Librarian Reference Service. Below, this study will discuss my visit of libraries in the United States and the new service trends from the public libraries there to bring new insights into development of more efficient and convenient library information services.


Lynn Jurewicz,Todd Cutler(2003).High tech, high touch: library customer service through technology.Chicago, IL:American Library Association.
Statistic Report 2005
Medford.American Library Directory 2006-2007.NJ:Information Today Inc..
OverDrive Website
