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Clinical and Bacteriological Evaluation of Ceftazidime in Pediatric Infections



Ceftazidime是一種新的能對抗β-lactamase的頭孢子類抗生素,此藥已被證實可安全有效的治療兒童嚴重的細菌性感染。本篇報告是利用此藥應用於受感染之病童以評估此藥對於小兒科病患之效果與安全性。14位病童,年齡從新生兒至14歲,因各種不同感染而給予每日每公斤體重50~100毫克的Ceftazidime,感染部位以菌血症5例最多,其他還有囊性纖維症合併肺炎1例,腹膜炎合併膿瘍1例,外科傷口感染1例,腸胃炎1例,免疫功能不全合併肺炎2例,免疫功能不全合併發燒1例,新生兒因開刀後合併發燒2例。在致病細菌分離培養上最多的是P. aeruginosa 4株,其次是E. coli 3株,K. pneums niae 2株,Acinetobacter lowffii 2株,Enterobacter 1株和Shigetla sonnei 1株。所有菌株對Ceftazidime均有良好的感受性。全部病例,除1例新生兒合併腸扭結,經開刀後因發燒經5天治療後,不治死亡,其餘治療效果均很好,均無發現嚴重之副作用。從本篇之臨床經驗可知以Ceftazidime來治療兒童嚴重細菌性感染,尤其是革蘭氏陰性菌包括P. aeruginosa在內所引起的感染是非常有效而安全的。


Ceftazidime, a new beta-lactamase resistant cephalosporin was evaluated for safety and efficacy in children with severe bacterial infections. Fourteen children between newborn and 14 years of age were treated with 50 to 100 mg/kg per day. The following infections were treated: sepsis (5 patients), immunocompromised host with pneumonia (2 patients), newborn post operation with fever (2 patients), immunocompromised host with fever (1 patient), cystic fibrosis with pneumonia (1 patient), peritonitis with intra-abdominal abscess (1 patient), surgical wound infection (1 patient) and gastroenteritis (1 patient). The micro-organisms aetiologically related to these infections comprised of P. aeruginosa (4 strains), E. coli (3 strains), K. pneumoniae (2 strains), Acinetobacter lowffii (2 strains), Enterobacter cloacae (1 strain) and Shigella sonnei (1 strain). All organisms were susceptible to Ceftazidime. Thirteen of 14 children were considered improved or cured, with the exception of one newborn case with volvulus who expired. No severe adverse reactions were encountered. In our present open study, ceftazidime is a very effective antimicrobial agent suitable for the treatment of even the most severe and ”difficult to treat” infections due to Gram-negative organisms including P. aeruginosa.
