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Urinary Tract Infections Associated with Spinal Cord Injury in Rats



動物實驗脊椎受傷後,引起神經原膀胱(neurogenic bladder),並併發細菌性尿道感染,導至高頻度的死亡率,這種脊椎受傷動物模式是使用Tarlov重量下垂之實驗方法而取得。這篇報告是利用112隻脊椎受傷的實驗用大鼠,進而從微生物學及組織病理學上加以觀察及探討。在實驗上脊椎受傷的實驗動物約27%死於尿道感染。在組織病理學上的發現,包括有輕微急性膀胱炎,急性出血性膀胱炎及化膿性膀胱炎,另在腎臟上出現有多發性膿瘍,腎盂炎,腎小球腎炎及化膿性腎炎。在微生物學上的發現,Proteus spp.佔所有尿道感染約百分之八十。其他包括E. coil, Enterobacter cloacae, S. epidermidis, Morganella morganii和Citrabacter freundii.至於在病理演化上,組織病理及細菌學上的發現,與人類因脊椎受傷所併發的尿道感染很相似。我們覺得這實驗動物脊椎受傷的動物模式,可利用來瞭解更多關於人類因脊椎受傷所引起的神經原膀胱及併發的細菌性尿道感染。


Urinary tract infections (UTI) account for an unacceptably high rate of morbidity and mortality in adult rats which have undergone .experimental spinal cord injuries. The experimental spinal cord injury was induced by a modified Tarlov drop-weight model. We present the microbiological and histopathological fmdings of 112 rats with neurogenic bladders associated with spinal cord injury. UTI accounted for an overall 27% (31/112) mortality rate. The onset of hemorrhagic cystitis was an ominous sign heralding imminent demise. Necropsy and histopathological findings included mild acute cystitis, acute hemorrhagic cystitis and purulent cystitis. Sections of kidneys at necropsy revealed multiple abscesses, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis and/or pyonephritis. Actute renal failure or sepsis was the final common pathway to death in most cases. Microbiologic studies revealed Proteus spp. to account for 80% of the UTI in the injury group. Other pathogens included Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Morganella morganii and Citrobacter freundii. All of the pathogens encountered were sensitive to gentamicin.In terms of pathogenesis, histopathology and microbiologic findings, we feel that the rat spinal cord injury model may serve to enhance our understanding of UTI in humans with neurogenic bladders.
