

孩童之腸系膜囊腫(mesenteric cysts)是罕見的腹部腫瘤,其發生率約為每100,000位住院病人中有一位。其發生都位可在十二指腸至直腸間之任一部位,但最常見於迴腸腸系膜,其臨床症狀可以是無痛性的腹部腫瘤或以慢性或急性腹痛來表現。本篇兩病例之臨床狀分別為明顯之腹脹及廣泛性腹痛,理學檢查均可摸到可移動性腫瘤,腹部超音波與電腦斷層檢查均顯示有一具分隔的囊腫,手術施行囊腫及腸切除術,同時實施腸管端對端吻合術(end-to-end anastmosis)。兩位患童在術後情況良好。腸系膜囊腫皆可經由超音波和電腦斷層發現,但確定診斷有賴於剖腹探查術及病理檢查,且手術切除是唯一方法,其癒後良好。


Mesenteric cysts in children are rare intra-abdominal masses. Estimates of their incidence varies from about one case in 27,000 to one in 250,000 hospital admissions. The most common locations of mesenteric cysts are in the ileal mesentery. The clinical picture is determined by size and location of the cysts, their consistency and, whether or not complications have occurred. We reported two cases whose clinical pictures were abdominal distension and diffuse abdominal pain, respectively. Physical examination revealed a mobile nontender mass in the abdomen. Sonogram and CT scan of the abdomen showed a large cystic mass and mesenteric cysts were highly suspected. Resection of the cyst with the involved bowel and end-to-end anastomosis were performed. Ultrasonography and CT definitely demonstrated the cystic nature of the expansitivity and also visualized the thin, intracystic septa. Mesenteric cysts should be treated by surgical removal if the patient is symptomatic. The postoperative courses were uneventful in the presented cases and recurrences were not found.


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