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Immunohistochemical Study of an Adult Hepatoblastoma: Report of a Case and Review of the Literature


肝母細胞瘤是一種少見的肝臟惡性腫瘤,其組織形態及胚胎來源曾被廣泛討論。此腫瘤約佔小孩惡性腫瘤的0.2%到5.8%,但卻是小孩肝臟中最常見的惡性腫瘤,而且多發生於3歲以下的小孩,很少發生於成人。本文報告一例罕見的成人肝母細胞瘤,發生於一56歲男性的右葉肝臟,經病理切片檢查證實為典型的肝母細胞瘤。我們另以免疫過氧化酶染色法,來偵測該腫瘤是否存有Keratin、Vimentin、AFP α1-antitrypsin、CEA、HBsAg和HBcAg 等抗原,以探此腫瘤的組織來源及形態上的特徵。


Hepatoblastoma of the liver is an uncommon malignant neoplasms that represents the most common (about 40%) primary hepatic tumor in children and counts for over half of all primary hepatic maligncies in this age group. It rarely occur after 3 years of age. This paper describes of an adult hepatoblastoma of the liver of a 56-year-old man based on pathological examination. Both the epithelial and mesenchymal components are identified from pathologic examination. We utilized the immune peroxidase anti-peroxidase staining, including low molecular-weight cytokeratin (LMWKer), viemntin, AFP, α1-anitrypsin, CEA, HBsAg and HBcAg, to evaluate the phenotypic expression of this solid embryonic tumor. We report one case herein, and, the literature regarding the morphology and histogenesis of this tumor is also reviewed.


Hepatoblastoma Immune peroxidase
