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Do the Blood Vessels Present Parasympathetic Nerve Innervations?


過氧化氫酶(horseradish peroxidase, HRP)分子量約為40,000,置於神經末梢經由胞飲作用可逆向傳送至神經細胞本體。常用來追溯神經傳導徑路。本實驗之目的利用HRP探討頸動脈血管外層和內層神經支配有何異同。本實驗結果顯示血管外層交感神經纖維源自兩側上神經節(superior cervical ganglia, SCG);感覺神經纖維源自三叉神經節下顎支部(mandibular division of trigeminal ganglion);而血管內層神經纖維源自下位延腦網狀結構(medial reticular formation)推測可能是副交感性質。


Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) is an enzyme, a protein with molecular weight about 40,000, has known to be taken up by means of active transport mechanisms, through retrograde axoplasmic flow back from terminal buttons toward the cell soma. It is a useful tool for neurochemists and neruoanatomists to trace the structure and direction of neurons. We study the difference of autonomic innervation between external and internal layers of common carotid artery by using of this HRP methods. We find that nerve fibers innervate the external layer of common carotid artery derived from bilaterally superior cervical ganglia (SCG) and ipsilaterally from the mandibular division of trigeminal ganglion; whereas, nerve fibers innervate internal layer derived from the medial reticular formation of the lower medulla, which is in nature of the parasympathetic characters. From our findings, we suggest that the classical concept of autonomic role in control of the large vessel in circulatory resistance should be revised.
