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Case Reports Dieulafoy's Lesion-A Case Report and Review of Literature

Dieulafoy's Lesion-一病例報告及文獻回顧


Dieulafoy's Lesion是上胃腸道出血中,較少見的原因。此病灶可發生於胃的頂部,但也有發生於十二指腸、空腸及大腸的報告。病灶周圍的黏膜少有異常,而出血的血管,則為異常粗大的動脈,但其組織學檢查,並無異常。在內視鏡未發達以前,手術是診斷及治療的方法,但診斷率及治療效果都很差,因而造成此病的高死亡率。這些年來隨著內視鏡的發達及對此病的了解,用內視鏡診斷及治療此病,已是時代的潮流,且有很好的成效。在此,我們提出一例,用內視鏡診斷及治療成功的患者,並將有關的文獻做一複習。


Dieulafoy's lesion most often occurs in the stomach, but has been reported to occur in the duodenum, jejunum and ascending colon. At endoscopy, the appearance of Dieulafoy's lesion may range from a pinpoint dot, clot, or tortuous vessel, to blood oozing or spurting from normal mucosa. A shallow defect may be presented that can give the appearance of a partially healed peptic ulcer. In the preendoscopic era, the overall mortality from the bleeding Dieulafoy's lesions was quite high. Surgical treatment has been advocated in the past as the treatment of choice due to the massive and often recurrent bleeding characteristic of the lesion. Recently, primary endoscopic therapy was found to be safe, successful, and should be considered and attempted initially in all patients with Dieulafoy's lesion. Here we report a case of the disease, which was diagnosed by gastroscopy and treated with heater probe thermocoagulation successfully. A review of the literature is also presented briefly.
