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The Application of Electroencephalogram and Computerized Topographic Mapping in Psychiatry


早在1929年,精神科教授韓斯伯格就已經發表腦電波圖,期望能對精神疾病的大腦功能有所解釋,但之後的幾十年中,有關功能性精神病的專一腦電圖型態仍然未見定論。傳統腦電圖,運用各電極導子,對大腦神經元突觸後電位的偵測,可概略的將腦部各區域的電位以時間-振幅的變化圖表現出來。利用肉眼觀察,配合判讀者對雜波的了解,將腦電圖記錄依頻率分為四種波型(δ, θ, α, β),運用此四種波型的特性判讀正常與否。近1980年代,拜電腦科技進步之賜,可將多頻道腦電圖所收集的資料,運用算術運算技巧,特別是fast-fourier transfomation (FFT)的方式,對個別不同的頻率區域做分析,將腦電位變化以數值、頻譜或特別吸引人的彩色圖譜表現出來,使腦波的功能除了可以用在器質性腦症的檢查上,例如侵位性病灶、癲癇症、癡呆症、和腦血管疾病,更可藉由定量分析的數據或圖譜,配合電腦統計法,使精神疾病在診斷分類、治療反應的預測、預後的評估、病理過程的追蹤,以及正常與病態比較的研究上,有輔助性的價值。但是要運用在臨床實用上,仍須要經過相當的努力,包括對各項神經電生理、解剖學、算術統計、物理、電腦科技等各方面知識有所了解與統合才可望達成。


The electroencephalogram (EEG) was first described in 1929 by the psychiatrist Hams Berger. His hope was that the EEG would help detect and characterize the disordered brain function of psychiatric patients. However, in the ensuing decades following Berger's discovery, no definitive EEG abnormality has been identified for any functional psychiatric disorders. Brain electrical activity measured by scalp electrodes is generally felt to reflect the sum of postsynaptic potentials from extensive groups of neurons. The brain electrical activity is presented in conventional EEG by time-amplitude figuration. The spectrum of EEG frequencies has been divided into 4 bands δ, θ, α, and β. We can distinguish these abnormality from different frequency in certain situation. The computer analysis of the EEG data generally employs a methmatical algorithm, specially the fast fourier transformation, to quantitative the separate contributation of each of the various spectral frequency bands for a particular EEG study. The contribution of each frequency band may be depicted numerically or in a map format that provides the topographic distribution of the brain's electrical activity. The brain map is attractive for human observer to extract out the characteristic pattern. The quantitative EEG was used to examine the following clinical conditions: epilepsy, dementia, space occupying lesion, and cerebrovascular disease. The brain maps may yield added value to further application in classification of psychiatry, prediction of drug response, evaluation of prognosis, following pathological process and comparison between normal and pathology.
