



Between March and December 1994, 43 patients (27 males, 16 females) with 50 ureteral stones were treated endoscopically by Candela pulsed-dye laser lithotripter at our hospital. Their age ranged from 17 to 82 years (mean 45). Stones were 8 mm in average sizes in their longitudinal diameter and situated in the upper ureter in 12, milled ureter in 9, and lower ureter in 29 cases. There were 21 left ureteral stones and 29 right ureteral stones. The 7.0 F miniscope was inserted into the ureter without prior dilatation of ureteral orifice. Stone fragmentation was performed using the dye laser in 30 to 80 mJ energy with pulses of 150. Complete fragmentation of the stones was achieved in 38 patients (88%). The average hospital day was 4 days. Of the 5 unsuccessful cases, 2 were due to impassable ureteroscopy, 1 due to stone migration up to the kidney, and 2 due to large stone burden. No significant morbidity such as perforation or obvious urine extravasation occurred.In conclusion, in ESWL failure, obstructed or lower ureteral stones, the laser lithotripsy is more safe and effective than conventional EHL and ultrasonic lithotripsy.
