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Long Term Disease-Free Survivor in a Case of Multiple Myeloma Treated with Alpha Interferon, Melphalan and Prednisolone-A Case Report



自1979年後,α干擾素即廣泛地使用於治療多發性骨髓瘤之病人。我們亦曾以干擾素治療30個多發性骨髓瘤之病人,經治療後,並發現一長期無疾病存活者。病人為52歲之女性,於1990年4月診斷為第三期,G型免疫球蛋白,κ型之多發性骨髓瘤。病人接受傳統之melphalan/prednisolone (MP)治療,且在每一療程中之第3,4週各給予5MU/m^2 t. i. w.之干擾素共6次。每一療程為4週,一共給予12個療程。病人對治療之反應甚佳,於半年內,所有實驗室檢查均回復正常,包括骨髓活體切片,常規血液檢查,腎功能,放射線檢查,免疫球蛋白濃度,及β2-微球蛋白。因此經過12個干擾素/MP之療程及隨後之10個MP之療程後,病人停止所有化學治療,直到目前為止,病人仍在完全緩解中,其無疾病存活期為80個月以上。


Since 1979, α interferons (α IFNs) have been widely used for treating patients with multiple myeloma. We also performed a clinical study concerning the effect of α IFN therapy in 30 cases of multiple myeloma, and a long term survivor was noted in this study. She was a 52-yearold female with stage IIIA, IgG、κtype and previously untreated multiple myeloma. In addition to the classical treatment of melphalan/prednisolone (MP) for induction, α IFN (Intron A) was also given in-between the courses on the 3rd and 4th weeks of every course with 4-week as a course, totally for 12 courses. The dosage was 5 MU/m^2, t. i. w. for 2 weeks per course. The response was good and nearly all laboratory examinations returned to normal within half a year, including bone marrow biopsy, complete blood count, renal functions, X-rays, immunoglobulin levels and β2-microglobulin. Thus, after 12 courses of MP plus α IFN, and then 10 courses of MP alone, chemotherapy was stopped and she was in a complete remission state without evidence of multiple myeloma, the disease free survival time was >80 months.
