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Effects of GDNF on Nigrostriatal Dopamine System


GDNF(glial cell-line derived neurotrophic factor)是近年來廣為神經科學家所重視的一個生長因子,除了發現其對神經、肌肉、消化系統、以及胚胎發育等有調控功能外,其最受囑目的部份,則在於GDNF對中腦多巴胺神經調控之作用。本文主要針對GDNF作用於正常動物,及以經過6-OHDA(6-hydroxydopamine),MPTP(1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine),或者axotomy破壞多巴胺神經,誘發之巴金森氏症動物之影響。結果顯示GDNF對多巴胺神經具有保護及修復作用,同時巴金森氏症動物,經過胚胎黑質細胞移植後,外加GDNF對移植組織所含多巴胺細胞有促進之作用。本篇文章除了對GDNF調控作一文獻回顧外。並加入個人最近研究結果以供參考。


GDNF 多巴胺 巴金森氏症


A newly discovered growth factor named GDNF (glial cell-line derived neurotrophic factor), has been investigated recently. GDNF possessed a number of functions in the neuron, muscle, digestion system, as well as modulate the fetal developmental process. However the most important role of GDNF was focus on the dopamine system in the brain. This review article mainly focus on the effects of GDNF on dopamine system in intact, as well as the lesioned animal. The nigra-striatum dopamine system was either by 6-OHDA (6-hydroxydopamine), MPTP (1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine), or by axotomy methods. Results suggest that GDNF showed the protective and the repairing effects on dopamine system. Moreover, fetal dopamine neuron was transplanted to the lesioned striatum, the exogenous GDNF also showed the trophic effect on the grafts. In conclusion, the GDNF may play an important role in the modulation of dopamine neuron.


GDNF dopamine Parkinson's disease
