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Possible Applications of Cultured Embryonic Mesencephalic Cells for the Treatment of Parkinson's Disease




Intrastriatal transplantation of embryonic neural tissue to replace degenerated dopaminergic neurons is shown to be a potential treatment for Parkinson's disease (Kordower et al., 1995). However, the potential of neurotransplantation is restricted by immunological rejection, source and survival of the neural tissue. In order to develop the source and improve the survival of neural tissue, long-time survival mesencephalic cells has been trying to establish. In 1982, Berger and his colleagues showed that mesencephalic cells from 13-days-old mouse embryos might be cultured in a serum-complemented medium up to six weeks. Dopamine-neuronal precursor cells continued to divide in porcine neuroepithelial culture (Spector et al., 1993). In addition, GDNF reduces apoptosis and improves the survival of human embryonic dopaminergic neurons in vitro (Clarkson et al, 1997). In recent studies, we shown that dopaminergic neurons and neuralgia recovered from 14-17 day-embryo of ICR mouse, might secret neurotrophic factors such as GDNF to promote survival and modulate differentiation of dopaminergic neurons in vitro though 16 passages. The co-culture of dopaminergic neurons and neuroglia may be a ideal model to generate functional dopaminergic neurons in vitro for neurotransplantation in Parkinson's disease.
