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A Study and Evaluation of Bone Mineral Density and Bone Related Biochemistry Data in Normal Adults and Athletic Injury in Soldiers


骨質疏鬆症和骨折是骨科臨床上常見之課題,本研究是以三軍總醫院232位住院年輕男性軍人平均23.6歲,分為運動傷害與非運動傷害2組,檢查其血中鈣離子,磷離子,鹼性磷酸酶,睪酯酮,並測骨質密度等五項當作骨組織相關生化參數,另以平均值(mean值),標準是(Standard deviation),T-考驗,Pearson's相關及多迴歸分析來作分析統計,結果發現如下:一、二組的骨質密度值皆分佈於正常範圍。二、五項骨組織相關生化參數在此兩組無顯著統計上差異。三、骨質密度和血中鈣,磷,鹼性磷酸酶,睪酯酮作分析在此兩組並無統計學上的顯著差異。四、骨質密度之預測迴歸模式分析中,在年輕骨科病患之族群內,其四項血液之參數指標(鈣、磷離子、鹼性磷酸酶及睪酯酮),無法預測骨質密度。故本研究可提供軍事訓練中易於傷害的受訓者之「骨質密度」和「骨組織相關生化參數數值」的分佈情形,但其結果在是否為運動傷害之兩組間並無顯著差異性及相關,骨組織血液中化參數在此年輕男,性族群中亦無法提供預測骨質密度的能力。


The data obtained the Ca2+, ph-2, alkaline phosphatase, testosterone and bone mineral density from hospitalized patients. The sample consisted of 232 young male adults, orthopedic patients who were hospitalized (mean age:23.6 year-old); they were classified into two groups according to sports and non-sports injuries and analysed by mean, standard deviation, T-test, Pearson's correlation and multiple regression.The major findings were as followings:1. The bone mineral densities were all in normal range, either in sports or non-sports injury group.2. There were no significant difference of those five osteoporos markers in both groups (t=- 1.14 to -.18, p>.05).3. There were no correlation bwtween osteoporosis markers (Ca+2. ph-2, ALK tostesterone) and bone mineral density (r=-.10 to .02, p>.05) in both groups.4. The osteoporosis markers couldn't predict the bone mineral density in both groups (F=. 75. p>.05)This study offers the distribution data of bone mineral density and bone related biochemistry data & serum testosterone level in young male injuries soldiers. but the results do not show any difference or correlation between sports injury and nonsports injury groups, the bone blood biochemistry data also can not predict the bone mineral density in the young male injuried patients.
