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Detection of HIV Proteins and Genomes in Lymph Nodes of Aids Patients: Evaluation of Elisa/serodia Assay for HIV Serodiagnosis



快速而正確篩檢野外採樣血清愛滋病及其型別,對愛滋病防疫政策有相當的意義。為證實ELISA/Serodia免疫酵素吸附技術/免疫血清凝集法之正確性及可信度,血清及淋巴結標本繼以西方墨點法及免疫組織化學技術反覆確認。從625名西非幾內亞比索卡松果地區住民及醫院病患血清,以一/二型免疫酵素吸附技術初步篩檢得出101名愛滋血清陽性反應標本;及1994~1996年間由台灣醫院慢性病房收集73名愛滋病患血清,繼以Serodia免疫血清凝集法、美國紅十字會等採用的HIV Blot 2.2及其他西方墨點法,並以免疫組織化學技術篩檢及確認血清樣本及淋巴結標本。血清呈陽性反應者,重複以免疫血清凝集法及多種西方墨點法再確認。所有血清檢體均重覆確認二至五次,所得結果一致。西方墨點法之分析結果顯示,比索地區1994~1995年間愛滋病毒一/二型雙重感染者有增加的趨勢。雖未發現病毒顆粒,但原位雜交技術證實一/二型病毒基因之存在。台灣醫院病患多為一型病毒感染,其中發現二名一/二型病毒疑似感染病例。各種不同之Serodia免疫血清凝集法、西方墨點法及一/二型病毒蛋白質R、一型病毒蛋白質U,及二型病毒蛋白質X免疫組織化學技術再確認,均得到類似的結果。此實驗證實免疫酵素吸附技術/免疫血清凝集法配合採樣使用,能快速並正確篩檢採樣血清愛滋病毒之型別,為愛滋病毒二型之防疫具有相當的正確性及可信度。


Since HIV has been found throughout the world, a quick and reliable method for HIV serodiagnosis is essential for fieldwork. In order to confirm the preliminary results of ELISA or Serodia serodiagnosis, combinations of seven screening methods were applied. In this experiment, 101 HIV seropositive samples were obtained by screening from 625 community members and hospitalized patients of Canchungo and its suburban area in Guinea-Bissau by combined HIV-1/HIV-2 ELISA assay in 1994-1995. Seventy-three sera from AIDS patients from Hospitals in Taiwan were also collected from 1994 to 1996. The seroprevalence and HIV typing among the total 174 HIV seropositive/AIDS patients were analyzed by further Serodia HIV-l/HlV-2 agglutinations and Western blots. Immunohistochemical examinations for the presence of specific viral proteins were conducted. HIV-1/HIV-2 coinfections increased in Guinea-Bissau in 1994-1995. All the AIDS patients in Taiwan were HIV type 1, except two indeterminate HIV-l/HIV-2 cases. No viral particles were found in the tissues, but the presence of viral genomes was manifested by in situ hybridization. The immunohistochemical results from further identification of Vpr and Vpu in HIV-l positive patients and Vpx and Vpr in HIV-2 patients were congruous with those from serodiagnosis. These results provide evidence that combined ELISA/Serodia assays is sensitive and reliable for quick HIV serodiagnosis and typing. This method that includes HIV-2 typing can also be used as a more stringent sanitary cordon.
