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Psychiatric Consultations in a Regional General Hospital


初步分析一區域級綜合醫院之精神科照會。本研究資料來源是回溯性蒐集桃園聖保祿醫院精神科八十八年八月至八十九年七月之照會個案,以統計軟體SPSS進行統計分析,並輔以Excel製作表格。照會人數共77人(83人次),總照會率為0.53%,其中男性38人(49.35%),女性39人(50.65%)。年齡平均數為51.55±20.69 歲。照會率較高的科別為:內科系(1.48% )、外科系( 0.37% )。主要照會理由為自殺( 27.3% )、憂鬱( 15.6% )、精神病史( 9.1%)。精神科診斷分佈排序在前的有情感性疾患(38.96%)、適應障礙(15.58%)、譫妄症(14.29%)、癡呆症(14.29%)。本報告可反映一個中小型綜合醫院於精神科發展初期的照會現況,並做為未來服務及研究的參考。


This study was aimed at giving a clinical investigation of psychiatric consultations in a regional general hospital. 77 cases, 38 males and 39 females, referred for psychiatric consultations from all non-psychiatric departments during August 1999-July 2000, were reviewed and studied. Total cases were analysed by SPSS and ploted by Excel. During this period, totally 83 times (77 cases) of psychiatric consultations were requested. Consultation rate was 0.53%. Male to female ratio was 0.97:1. The mean age of the total cases were 51.55±20.69 years old. The highest consultation rates in various departments were as follows: internal medicine department (1.48%), surgery department (0.37%), gynecology (0.06%), emergency room (0.03%), intensive care unit (0.02%). The most common main reasons for referral were as ranking next suicide (27.3%), depression (15.6%), past psychiatric history (9.1%), conscious disturbance (7.8%), psychotic symptoms (6.5%), somatic symptoms (6.5%), anxiety (6.5%). The highest proportion in the psychiatric diagnosis distributions were mood disorder (38.96%), adjustment disorder (15.58%), delirium (14.29%), dementia (14.29%). This report represents the characteristics of the early development stage of psychiatric consultation in a regional general hospital, and it can refer to our service and further research.
