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Psychosocial Difference between Taiwanese Young Men with and without Criminal Records: A Cross-Sectional Survey in Taiwan Army Camp


本研究目的在了解台灣男性青年在新兵入伍前犯罪前科紀錄(包括煙毒前科與非煙毒前科)比率,調查其精神衛生狀況(包括過去自殺史、過去精神病史、職業、家庭關係、其他社經因子的狀況)以及入伍第一週之憂鬱及焦慮狀態,並與同時期入伍但無前科紀錄的個案作比較。方法:本研究的對象為台灣北部某陸軍新兵訓練中心入伍新兵(一般兵-大專肆業及大專以下教育程度),入伍第一週內(尚未正式操練時),所自填過去是否有犯罪前科(區分煙毒前科及非煙毒前科)、家庭狀況、過去自殺次數、基本社經家庭狀況、曾氏心理健康量表(Zung's Self-administered Depression Scale;SDS,Zung's Self-administered Anxiety Scale;SAS)結果,填表時間為民國八十九年五月至六月。問卷中亦評估個人經濟、情緒、時間運用、人際關係及家庭和諧的滿意度,另外由一名精神專科醫師(第一作者)針對部隊回報精神異常新兵逐一會談,作精神疾患初步篩檢。結果:經篩除無效答卷(2份)後得有效樣本數共1,039人,其中約12.7%(132/1039)於問卷中坦承過去有犯罪前科(Criminal Record;CR組),其中33%(43/132)為煙毒前科(Drug related Criminal Record;DCR組),67%(89/132)為單純非煙毒前科(Non-Drug related Criminal Record;NDCR組)。與否認有犯罪前科的新兵(None Criminal Record;NCR組)比較,CR組有較差的教育程度,有較多的人來自破碎家庭,曾經自殺,家族精神病史,家族自殺史及家族飲酒史,CR組同時亦有較低的綜合滿意度,而入伍一週內的憂鬱及焦慮亦是CR組較高。CR組均有較高的人數比例有過去精神病史或承認曾想看精神科醫師但未去的情形,經過精神科專科醫師(第一作者)篩檢結果,CR組並有較高比例被懷疑有第一軸或第二軸精神疾患診斷。在DCR組與NDCR組的比較中,僅家族飲酒史有差別,其餘無明顯差異。結論:本研究發現有前科紀錄的新兵有明顯較不利(adversity)精神衛生狀況(如家族精神病史,自殺史及破碎家庭等)。這類個案(CR組)有9.1%(12/132)篩檢疑有精神異常,雖其中已有1.5%(2/12)在入伍前曾於精神醫療單位求診,仍有6.8%(9/12)的個案自述想看精神科卻一直未去,應是推展軍中預防精神醫學值得深入研究的對象。


焦慮 犯罪前科 憂鬱 精神衛生 入伍新兵


This study was conducted to understand psychosocial difference between Taiwanese young men with and without previous criminal records. Previous criminal records (drug related or nondrug related), demographic data, Zung's self-administrated Anxiety scale (SAS), Zung's self-administrated Depression scale (SDS) were self-administered by 1,039 Taiwanese army recruitments during the first week of their entry. A psychiatrist (the first author) interviewed all the recruitments who were suspected as with psychiatric problem by their squad-Ieaders. Study results showed that 12.7% of recruitments admitted previous criminal records (CR group): about 33% of CR group reported only previous drug related criminal records (DCR group) and 67% reported non-drug related criminal records (NDCR group). The comparison between CR group and the rest of our sample, who dined past criminal records (NCR group), showed that CR group had higher percentage of unemployment, separated parents, suicide attempt, family history of psychosis, family history of suicide, and higher means of SAS score, SDS score, as well as lower averages of general satisfactory score (including economic, health, emotion, social and family relationship). The comparison between DCR group and NDCR group showed no statistically significant different from those two groups. Recruitments in CR group were also found the high attempt to see a psychiatrist and psychiatric disorder suffering. In conclusion, in Taiwan army recruitment population, past criminal records and psychosociaI adversity are highly related each other. Since more willing to seeking a psychiatrist were reported in CR group, in terms of mentaI hygiene, earIy psychiatry consulting of this group (CT group) would be meaningful.


