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The Decomposition and its Influencing Factors of TFP Growth of Post-War Japanese Farm Families


本文結合Lovell(1996)和Karagiannis and Tzouvelekas(2001)的模型,將日本農家TF&P分解為規模經濟效果、技術進步、經濟效率的變動、和價格調整效果。同時衡量這些效果對TF&P的貢獻,以及探討在農業發展過程中,影響這些效果之因素。實證結果顯示,1965-2000 期間,日本農家總要素生產力年平均成長率為2.613%。而TF&P中83.81% 來自技術進步的貢獻,37.78%來自規模效果,經濟效率的貢獻為-7.19%。由於技術進步從1970年代起,佔TF&P比率越來越大,但規模效果佔TF&P比率越來越小,因此1965-2000期間TF&P的下滑,主要導因於規模效果的萎縮和經濟效率的惡化。同時由TF&P各種效果的迴歸分析結果可知:規模效果主要受農業依存度、農地之資本集約度、借地比率、農業整備支出比率、價格安定支出比率和進口比率影響。借地比率、擴大生產支出比率、價格安定支出比率、研究推廣支出比率之變動率和進口比率,則將影響技術進步率。而農業勞動力的高齡化和價格安定政策導致經濟效率的下降。


Using a model referred to Lovell(1996) and Karagiannis and Tzouvelekas (2001), the Japanese farm families’ TF&P was decomposed as the effects of scale economics, technical change, change in economic efficiency, and price adjustment; and the effects’ contributions to TF&P were also computed. Moreover, the paper tried to find out what factors influenced the above effects during the process of agricultural development. The empirical results show that the average TF&P , over the 1965-2000 period, was 2.613% to which the technical progress effect contributed 83.81%; the scale effect contributed 37.78%, but the change in economic efficiency declined by 0.188% per year. According the results of the regression of effects of TF&P on the exogenous variables, the scale effect was shown to be affected by the degree of agricultural dependence, degree of capital intensiveness of farmland, ratio of rented land, ratio of rural infrastructural expenditure, ratio of expenditure on price security, and ratio of agricultural imports. The technical progress effect was influenced by the ratio of rented land, ratio of expenditure on production expansion, ratio of expenditure on price security, change in ratio of research and extension expenditure, and ratio of agricultural imports. The aging farmers and the price security policy resulted in a decrease in economic efficiency.


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