  • 期刊


Matching Teaching Styles and Learning Styles and Verification of Students' Learning Adaptation Model


本研究的主要目的有三,一為探討敎師敎學類型及學生學習類型和性别、認知方式、認知類型、創造力、人格特質等變項間的關係;二為比較敎師敎學類型與學生學習類型在不同配對情形下,學生的學習適應情形;三為提出影響學生學習適應的理論模式,並驗證其適切性。本研究的受試來自臺北地區12所國中的113位國二導師及1843位國二學生。使用的研究工具包括:處事方式問卷、學習與思考方式量表、藏圖測驗、拓弄思語文創造思考測驗(乙式)、高登人格測驗(甲式)、田納西自我概念量表、學習適應量表及教學情境量表等。資料分析則採皮爾遜積差相關、典型相關、單因子多變項變異數分析、群聚分析、賀德臨T^2統計法以及線性結構分析統計法加以分析。 本研究經資料分析後,得到以下幾點重要發現:1.敎師的敎學類型及學生學習類型和認知方式、創造力、認知類型、人格特質、性别間有顯著相關存在。2.敎師與學生在全部類型相同組、全部類型不同組、部分類型相同組三種配對情形下,學生學習適應情形有顯著差異存在。當師生是全部類型相同時,學生學習適應情形最好,當師生是全部類型不同時,學生學習適應情形最差。3.本研究所提「學生學習適應理論模式」經驗證結果適合度良好。學生學習適應良好者與學習適應不良者均係透過其學習類型及其對敎師敎學行為的知覺,兩大潛在自變項影響其學習適應情形。




The purposes of this study were: (1) to explore the relationship among teaching styles, learning styles, gender, personality traits, lateralization, cognitive style, and creativity; (2) to compare the influences of different matchings of teaching styles and learning styles on students' learning adaptations; and (3) to form a students' learning adaptation model and to verify its fitness. The subjects were 113 teachers and 1843 students drawn from 12 junior high schools in Taipei. All of them were tested by Transactional Ability Inventory, Gordon Personality Test, Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking, Hidden Figure Test, Your Style of Learning and Thinking, Tennessee Self Concept Scale, Teaching Situation Scale, and Learning Adaptation Scale. The data were analyzed by product-moment correlation, canonical correlation analysis, factor analysis, cluster analysis, ons-way MANOVA, Hotelling T^2, and LISREL. The findings were as follows: (1) Teaching styles have significant correlation with gender, personality traits, lateralization, cognitive style, and creativity. (2) Gender, personality traits, lateralization, cognitive style, and creativity have canonical correlation with teaching styles. (3) Learning styles have significant correlation with gender, personality traits, cognitive style, lateralization, and creativity. (4) Gender, personality traits, lateralization, cognitive style, and creativity have canonical correlation with learning styles. (5) There were significant differences in students' learning adaptations among the Matching Group, the Mismatching Group, and the Part-Matching Group as defined by the matching of teaching styles and learning styles. The learning adaptations of the Matching Group were the best, and those of the Mismatching Group were the worst. (6) There were significant differences on students' learning adaptations among CS-CS team, AR-AR team, AS-AS team, and CR-CR team of the Matching Group. The CS-CS team had the best learning adaptation while the CR-CR team had the worst. (7) There were significant differences on students' learning adaptations among CS-AR team, AR-CS team, AS-CR team, and CR-AS team of the Mismatching Group. The learning adaptations of the AR-CS team were the best, and those of the CS-AR team were the worst.(8) There were significant differences on students' learning adaptations among CS-CR team, CS-AS team, AR-AS team, AR-CR team, AS-AR team, AS-CS team, CR-CS team, and CR-AR team of the part-Matching Group. The learning adaptations of the AS-CS team were the best, and those of the AS-AR team were the worst. (9) There were no significant differences on students' learning adaptations between the Near-Distanced Group and the Far-Distanced Group. (10) The students' learning adaptations were influenced by two latent variables: the students' learning styles and the perceptions of teachers' teaching behaviors. Based on the findings of this study, the researcher suggested that the teacher-student matching in teachers' teaching styles and students' learning styles should be enhanced. Teachers were advised to observe the learners' characteristics, to understand their perceptions of teachers' teaching behaviors, and to improve their metacognition so that they can control their cognitive process. In ordet to fulfill these purposes, the teachers' training institutions should provide students opportunities to familiarize various styles of teaching & learning. Finally, some suggestions for an advanced study were also made.




江貞穎(2014)。國中生自我概念與學習適應之關聯性研究 ─以桃園縣為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201400477
