  • 期刊


College Students' Sense of Responsibility and Ego Identity: An Ethical Analysis of Erikson's Ego Identity of Youth


本研究旨在探討艾立克森青年自我統整危機理論中有關青年與社會之關係的概念。艾氏認爲二者並非對立,而是具倫理的互動關係,此倫理關係之核心爲「責任」。一方面社會有責任提供青年自由探索的環境與機會,避免限制與壓抑青年,造成青年的疏離;另一方面青年有責任透過此自由的環境,進行價值探索與定向,對社會有所承諾與投入,進而肯定其生命意義,達成自我統整。根據上述觀點,本研究提出影響大專學生自我統整發展之因果模式,並以972位大專學生爲對象,利用責任感量表、無力感量表、生命目的測驗與自我認證量表等工具,透過LISREL電腦程式之分析,驗證此模式是適切的。本研究其他發現如下: ㈠、大專學生極大多數(98.3%)富有責任感。女生比男生强烈,尤其在「遵守社會規範」與「關心社會」二項上爲然。 ㈡、大專學生中約有三分之一抱持無力感,男生之無力感比女生强烈,大學生之無力感也比專科生强烈。 ㈢、大專學生之責任感與其無力感具有負相關(r=-.5)。 ㈣、大專學生依其責任感、無力感的高低,可以區分爲「積極行動型」佔65.3%,「有心無力型」佔33%,「冷漠疏離型」只佔1.7%。後二者可能面臨「生命意義缺乏感」與「自我統整危機」,亟需加以輔導。 根據上述研究發現,本研究提出數項建議,作爲釐訂青年輔導工作政策與措施之參考。




This study investigates the relationship between youth and society in terms of Erikson's identity crisis theory of youth. The core concept of Erikson's ethics is responsibility. On one hand, society has a responsibility to provide free environment and opportunities for the youth to explore. If the youth is oppressed by society, he will become alienated. On the other hand, the youth has also a responsibility to explore and ascertain his values, and then commit himself to the society. In this way, his meaning of life will be affirmed and his identity will be formed. Based on the preceeding conception, a causal model of identity development of college students is proposed. The subjects are 972 students from colleges and junior colleges. The findings are as follows: 1. The causal model of identity development was found to be relevant for Chinese college students. 2. Most of the students(98.3%)have a sense of responsibility. The girls' sense of responsibility is stronger than that of boys, especially on the subscales of ”Abiding by Social Norm” and ”Care for Society”. 3. One-third of the students feel powerless. The boys' feeling of powerlessness is stronger than that of girls, and the college students are found to be stronger than junior college students on this variable. 4. There is a negative relationship between responsibility and powerlessness among students. 5. Three types of student subculture are identified in terms of the degree of responsibility and powerlessness. They are ”Ative type” (65.3%), ”Powerless type”(33%), and ”Alienated type” (1.7%). The students of the last two types are probably experience an existential vacuum and an identity crisis, as judged from their responses on two measures. Based on the preceeding findings, some recommendations for policymaking and practices in youth guidance and service are offered.




