  • 期刊


Family Function, Depressive Mood and Internet Addiction among Senior High School Students


本研究旨在瞭解高中職學生的家庭功能、憂鬱情緒與網路成癮間之關係,並檢驗憂鬱情緒在家庭功能與網路成癮間所扮演之中介角色。本研究以高中與高職學生為研究對象,並以立意取樣方式針對北臺灣兩所高中、兩所高職之全體高一學生進行取樣,共取得2,170 名有效樣本(高中生佔51.94%;男性佔47.87%),且施以「簡式家庭功能量表」、「柯氏憂鬱量表」及「陳氏網路成癮量表」來進行分析。本研究發現如下:(1)高中職學生平均每週上網時間為13.42 小時(標準差為15.43 小時),其中,平均每週花在非課業相關的上網時間為11.22 小時(標準差為14.29 小時);(2)不良家庭功能可顯著預測網路成癮;(3)憂鬱情緒能顯著預測網路成癮;(4)不良家庭功能可顯著預測憂鬱情緒;以及(5)憂鬱情緒能部分中介不良家庭功能對網路成癮之預測關係。研究者根據研究結果提出討論與建議,以供學校教育工作者、諮商輔導人員及未來研究參考。


The present study aimed to understand the relationship among family function, depressive mood and Internet addiction among senior high school students. Additionally, we examined the mediating role of depressive mood in the relationship between family function and Internet addiction. This study recruited 2,170 high school and technical school students through purposive sampling (high school students: 51.94%; males: 47.87%). Administered questionnaires included the Family Function Scale - short form, Ko's Depressive Inventory, and Chen Internet Addiction Scale. Findings showed the following: (a) the average Internet usage time per week was 13.42 hours (SD 15.43 hours), including an average of 11.22 hours (SD 14.29 hours) for non-academic purposes; (b) poor family function significantly predicted Internet addiction; (c) depressive mood significantly predicted Internet addiction; (d) poor family function significantly predicted depressive mood; and (e) depressive mood partially mediated the relationship between poor family function and Internet addiction. Findings from the present study provide suggestions and a reference for schools and guidance counselors, as well as for future research.


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