  • 期刊


Validation of the Learning Progression in Scientific Imagination: A Measurement Perspective


本研究旨在以Wang、Ho 和Cheng(2015)所發展的科學想像力學習進程為架構,提出一個國小三至六年級學生科學想像力之假設性學習進程模式,運用BEAR 評量系統以實徵證據驗證,進而修編科學想像力情境測驗,試圖釐清科學想像力的核心概念與發展途徑。研究對象分為評量工具施測對象為臺灣國小三至六年級學生共767 名;另依據研究結果,訪談兩名指導科學發明展且獲獎無數的自然科績優教師。研究工具有科學想像力情境測驗、心像問卷修編版和訪談大綱。資料分析方面,本研究採用Rasch部份給分模式分析學生在科學想像力情境測驗的反應,提供量表的多元效度證據(Wolfe & Smith, 2007),並輔以訪談資料解釋結果。研究結果指出,運用BEAR評量架構和Rasch測量模式的分析,能開發具多元效度證據的科學想像力之學習進程評量工具;結果亦支持科學想像力的學習進程由「漫想力、聯想力、奇想力、妙想力」所發展之理論假設。最後,針對「科學想像力學習進程」的應用,提出未來研究之建議。


This study aimed to validate a learning progression (LP) for the scientific imagination (Authors, 2015) based on a measurement approach using the BEAR Assessment System (BAS; Wilson, 2005, 2009) in an attempt to better understand the core ideas and developmental path of the scientific imagination process as well as align curriculum, instruction, and assessment through LP. Participants in this study were selected from Taiwan and classified into two categories. The first category, which included 767 third to sixth grade elementary school students, was administered the Scientific Imagination Test-Verbal (SIT-Verbal). The second category consisted of two award-winning teachers who were interviewed in order to achieve more information for the LP. The SIT-Verbal, Imagery Questionnaire, and the outline of interview were used in this study. Among these, the SIT-Verbal covered four key components of the scientific imagination process: brainstorming, association, transformation/elaboration, and conceptualization/organization/formation. The Imagery Questionnaire covered imagery ability, which could generate imagery, objects, and pictures in one’s mind. For analysis, the multiple validities (Wolfe & Smith, 2007) of the SIT-Verbal were assessed using the Rasch partial credit model. The findings showed that (1) the BEAR assessment system and Rasch measurement approaches provided a feasible framework for developing validated tools to assess the LP of scientific imagination; (2) the empirical data supported that students' scientific imagination progressed "from brainstorming, association, and transformation/elaboration to conceptualization/organization/formation." Implications for the assessments with the LPs and revisions for both the SIT-Verbal and the scientific imagination LP are also proposed.


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教育部(2012)。未來想像與創意人才培育計畫-計畫緣起。取自教育部網站:http://hss.edu.tw/wSite/ct?xItem=2937&ctNode=274&mp=2,2012 年3 月26 日。[Ministry of Education (2012, March 26). Imagination of the future-the goal fo plan. Retrieved from: http://hss.edu.tw/wSite/ct?xItem=2937&ctNode=274&mp=2]


