  • 期刊


The Effects of Solution-Focused Brief Therapy Training on the Full-Time School Counselors in Junior High Schools




This study aimed to investigate the the immediate and follow-up training effects of Solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT) training on full-time school counselors in junior high schools. The training program consisted of 48 hours of training over 8 days within two months. The first phase of the training focused on foundations of SFBT, including an introduction to SFBT's philosophy, the structure and repersentive techniques of an SFBT session. The second phase of the training focused on applying SFBT on specific challenging tasks of full-time school counselors (e,g,, crisis intervention, working with involuntary clients, peer support groups, case conferences, parental consultation, and in-class intervention). Fifty-five full-time school counselors from the junior high schools in northern Taiwan were recruited. All the particiapnts attended one focused group interview and completed the training program satisfaction sheets group by group right after and one month later of the training. The data of totally twelve focused group Interviews was analyzed with opening coding of qualitative analytical methods. Quantitative data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics. The results had three parts: (1) Feedback to the training program: Overall trainees' satisfaction was high, but trainees' opinions on schedule were very different from each other and most of them expected to increase content and hours of training; (2) the immediate training effects: The training has had expending the working modle and enhancing the role competency of these trainees as full-time school counselors; and (3) the follow-up training effects: After one-month continuously practicing, the trainees' working effecicy, enthusiasm, and role identity of full-time school counselors were highly enhanced. This study found the design of the training program fitting the in-service professional needs of full-time school counselors could creat positive impacts on the training effect. This study also supports that SFBT is beneficial to execute the full-time school counselors' working tasks. Finally, the limitations of this training program were discussed, and suggestions for related trainings and research in the future were provided.


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