  • 期刊

Hepatoblastoma with Concomitant Hepatitis C Virus Related Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Adult: Report of a Case



肝芽母細胞瘤一般好發於小於3歲的兒童,臨床表現較無特異性,主要取決於腫瘤大小,位置及轉移的地方,診斷上主要以臨床病程及組織病理切片為主。 我們報導一位62歲女性,因為解黑便而意外發現肝臟腫瘤。實驗數據發現有C型肝炎帶原,超音波與電腦斷層發現在第6及第7肝節各有一顆腫瘤,經手術切除後,病理報告證實前者的腫瘤為肝芽母細胞瘤,而後者的腫瘤為肝細胞癌。 成人肝芽母細胞瘤較兒童更罕見,組織約略分為表皮型及混合型,此為第一個C型肝炎引起之肝癌與肝芽母細胞瘤並存的案例,在此作文獻回顧並加以討論。




Hepatoblastoma is a very rare cancerous tumor that originates in the liver and occurs most frequently in children under three years of age. It usually presents as one of two variants, epithelial type and epithelio-mesenchymal type. Clinical presentation is nonspecific, depending on tumor size and presence and location of possible metastases. Diagnosis is mainly based on histological morphology and the clinical course. We report the case of a 62-year-old woman with chief the complaint of tarry stools whose hepatic tumors were incidental findings. Initial workup revealed that she was a hepatitis C virus carrier. Imaging studies showed two hepatic masses, in segments 6 and 7. The former was a low density mass 5 cm in size with progressive peripheral mural enhancement, the latter was hypervascular, and 2 cm in size. An elective total resection of segment 6 and a wedge resection of segment 7 were performed. Histopathological examination of tissue from the segment 6 lesion showed teratoid hepatoblastoma; the smaller lesion was diagnosed as hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatoblastoma in adults is rare and generally presents as epithelial or mixed epithelial-mesenchymal type, but it is frequently referred to as mixed malignant tumor of the liver”. Our case reminds clinicians and pathologists that such tumors in adults can be found with comorbid hepatic tumors, in this case a hepatitis C-related hepatocellular carcinoma. It is also stressed that the prognosis may be good if by early detection one finds a tumor that can be completely resected.
