  • 期刊

Stanford Type B Aortic Dissection Involving a Right Aortic Arch-A Case Report and Literature Review

右側主動脈弓併發Stanford B型主動脈剝離-病例報告及文獻整理


右測主動脈弓併發主動脈剝離的病例相當罕見。本病例為50歲高血壓男性患者,因突發嚴重胸背痛而至診室求治。經胸腹部斷層掃描檢查確定為右側主動脈弓及降主動脈合併Stanford B型主動脈剝離。因無緊急開刀的適應症,故依一般原則予以內科降血壓藥物積極治療。病人於二星期後順利出院,經十個月的追蹤,並無明顯併發症產生。此篇並整理在文獻上的25個個案報告;雖然在人種分布、疾病類型及併發病上有些差異,但在治療原則上仍與一般主動脈剝離類似。


Aortic dissection involving a right-sided aortic is a rare condition. A 50-year-old man with a history of poorly controlled hypertension was admitted with severe retrosternal pain. Computed tomographic scan showed a Stanford type B aortic dissection from the right aortic arch to the right descending aorta. As there was no indication for emergency surgical treatment, he received medical treatment to lower his systolic blood pressure to less than 120 mmHg, after which the chest pain subsided. He was discharged 2 weeks later with antihypertensive medications. There were no major complications after ten months of follow-up. We reviewed 25 similar cases reported in the literature. Although there are some differences in racial distribution, morphology, and complications, the treatment strategy for aortic dissection in a normal left aortic arch is applicable to those in a right aortic arch.
