  • 期刊

Cell Therapy for Cardiac Diseases-Bridging Basic and Clinical Science



再生醫學是以種種方法,修補或取代受損的組織器官,以期恢復、維持或增進功能。由於平均壽命不斷增加,與年齡有關的退化性疾病如骨質疏鬆症、糖尿病、心血管疾病、阿茲海默症、帕金斯氏症,也有明顯增加的現象。對於再生醫學的殷求,也越趨熱烈。再生醫學代表醫學科學發展的新紀元,以期突破現有藥物及手術的困境。 再生醫學統合不同學門的知識,如發生學、解剖學、組織學、免疫學、細胞分子生物學、生物力學及材料科學等。至目前為止,最為人所熟悉的兩領域是組織工程及細胞治療。利用組織工程的知識在体外創造複雜的人体器官或許還有一段時間,但利用一些細胞,修復受損或疾病的器官,已在一些困難疾病的治療展現希望。 在本篇文章中,我們首先介紹再生及組織幹細胞知識的最新進展。我們接者回顧有關在疾病和老化心臟中,心肌細胞死亡、生長及再生的現象,並進一步闡述心臟幹細胞存在的可能性。最近一些研究顯示,移植一些細胞或是刺激体內即有的幹細胞,可生成有功能的心肌組織而取代受損心臟。我們討論利用細胞治療,進行心肌修復基礎科學的進展、臨床研究及未來的挑戰。我們期望利用心肌修復為例子,探討最近再生醫學的進展,讓更多同好一起參與這領域的研究。


Regenerative medicine is a term given to varied strategies of repairing or replacing damaged or diseased tissues or organs to restore, maintain, or enhance their function. As the average age of the population is rising with the increasing incidence of age-related degenerative conditions, a pressing need for the products of regenerative medicine is imminent. Regenerative medicine promises a more effective solution than current pharmaceutical andinterventional therapy. By far the most well-known areas of regenerative medicine have been tissue engineering and cell therapy. Engineering complex organs ex vivo by knowledge from tissue engineering is still many years away, but the use of cells to rebuild diseased or damaged tissues by delivering a small number of cells may soon be used to treat some of the world most devastating diseases. In this review, we first examine the knowledge of regeneration and tissue stem cells.We provide the most updated information about cardiac stem cells, myocyte death and growth and regeneration in diseased and aging heart. Recent research demonstrates replacement and regeneration of functional cardiac muscle can be achieved byeither implanting competent cells or stimulating proliferation of endogenous stem cells.We therefore explore the scientific advances, clinical trials and challenges ahead regarding cell therapy for myocardial regeneration. Our goal is not to provide detailed information about regenerative medicine, but rather, using heart repair as an example, to inform the readership about recent advances in this promising field and encourage their active participation in its further development.
