  • 期刊

以V型切骨術 (Chevron Osteotomy) 矯治拇趾外翻

Chevron Osteotomy for Hallux Valgus


姆趾外翻( hallux valgus ),將會產生第一趾蹠關節滑液腫( bunion ) 及第一蹠骨頭的骨性凸出,因此導致第一趾蹠關節疼痛,足部畸型、變寬,嚴重影響外觀,步行困難,使病人無法選擇適合之鞋類。 1982年11月至1986年2月本院以V型切骨術( chevron osteo tomy ) 矯治15位病人;20個病例,手術後第一蹠趾角度( first metatarsopalangeal angle ) 平均從28度矯治為16度,第一趾骨間角度( first intermetatarsal angle )平均從14度矯治為10.8度。所有病人追蹤至少6個月以上,結果均無第一趾骨頭不癒合( nonunion ),或缺血性壞死之病例發生,對病人生活品質有顯著的改善。


Hallux valgus-Bunion formation is the base of proximal phalanx subluxated laterally and prominence medially of first metatarsal head, heads to joint pain, foot deformity of both size and shape, which all these symptoms have seriously suffer the patients from walking inability and shoes unfittness. Between nov. 1982 and Feb. 1986, 15 patients 20 feet of hallux valgus were corrected with Chevron osteotomy at naval Keelung Basal Hospital. Following to the surgery, the close investigation had been underwent from 6 months to 4years. The outcome indicates the first metatarsophalangeal angle averaged 28° before operation and 16° after operation, the first intermetatarsal angle averaged 14° before operation and 10.8° after operation. There areno case of osteotomy nonunion, avascular necrosis or hallux varus. all these operations have contributed a great deal of improvements of patients life quality.


Hallux valgus Bunion Chevron osteotomy
