

高壓噴射傷形成的傷口,雖然只是一個小小的洞口,也因而常被一時忽略掉,但絕大多數對手部可造成嚴重的傷害,甚至至於截指。因此,對這種急症,幾乎所有的學者都主張應立即以外科手術治療,以保全手部的機能。然而,噴射槍內所含的物質如果其毒性較弱或是沒有組織侵害性,在此時即使不作手術減壓及擴創術,其臨床結果仍舊是意外的良好。我們在四年之中遇到九位被高壓噴射檢射傷的病患。射入物質的種類有油漆(4例)、潤滑油(2例)、水(1例)、苯(1例)及hydraulic oil(1例)。由這些病例我們發覺,時間因素與治療的結果有相當的關聯。而所射入的化學物質,也會改變病情的發展。因此在決定要手術療之前,似乎有必要先了解高壓噴射槍的種類及其內含化學物質的特性,然後再選擇適當的治療方法。畢竟,某些情況只需要保守療法,並非任何情況都需要手術治療。




Majority of the high pressure injection injuries can produce serious damage to the hand. Nevertheless, the injury may follow a relatively benign course if injected substance possesses less harmful nature. Treatment for these injuries require immediate and aggressive surgery in most of the circumstances, but conservative treatment may justify in certain instance. During a 4-year period, nine cases of high pressure injection injury from varying substances were encountered. The types of injected material were: four from paint, two from grease, and one for each from water, benzene and hydraulic oil. Time is an important factor regarding the results, while the natures of injected material modify the clinical course. It is adbisable that the etiology of high pressure injection injury should be established initially, and take this factor into consideration in treatment option.
