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Study of the Daily Nutrients, Isoflavone and Relative Food Intake of Patients with Postmenopausal Women in Taichung Area


本研究目的在探討更年期婦女飲食中營養素、異黃酮素(isoflavones)及相關食物之攝取狀況。於2002年2月和2003年5月期間,以台中中國醫藥大學附設醫院婦產科門診初診病人中的更年期婦女為對象,共計55名,進行基礎血液生化檢驗,24小時回憶法及三天飲食紀錄收集飲資料。結果顯示,受試者除總膽固醇和低密度脂蛋白膽固醇(LDL-c)偏高之外,其餘生化數值皆於正常範圍之內。更年期婦女之熱量、蛋白質、脂質的攝取量及佔該年齡層女性膳食營養素參考攝取量百分比分別為1618±513大卡(108%)、58.9±24.1公克(126%)、61.2±28.1公克(122%),顯示皆高於膳食營養素參考攝取量。組纖維4.6±2.7公克、其他營養素鈣、鎂、維生素E、維生素B6等攝取量均低於2002年國人膳食營養素參考攝取量。由上述資料顯示巨量營養素偏高而某些維生素及礦物質攝取量偏低。另外,每日飲食中異黃酮素的攝取量為10.9±9.9mg,其中daidzein 4.81±4.54mg、genistein 6.30±586mg、glycitein 074±0.96mg,其食物來源主要是豆腐、豆干、豆皮、豆漿、豆腐乳、黃豆芽、黃豆粉、素火腿等。綜合以上結果得知,台中地區更年期婦女營養素攝取並不均衡,熱量、脂質、蛋白質的攝取偏高,而鈣、鎂、維生素E等營養素的攝取則偏低;另外,大豆異黃酮素的攝取量與其他東方國家比較顯著低於日本、韓國與中國大陸。


The aim of this study was to evaluate the dietary intake of patients with postmenopausal symptoms. The dietary assessment was conducted on outpatients in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of China Medical University Hospital during February of 2002 to May of 2003. We recruited 55 diagnostic postmenopausal patients and assessed their blood biochemistry, 24-hour dietary intake recall assessment, and 3-day dietary record. The basic laboratory data were within normal limits except for total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-c). Data of the 3-day dietary records showed that the calorie (1618+513 kcal; 108%), protein (58.9±24.1g; 126%), and fat (61.2±28.1g; 122%) intake levels of the volunteers were significantly higher than the 2002 Rec ommended Daily Intakes in Taiwan. Dietary intake levels of dietary fiber, calcium, magnesium, vitamins E, B6 were less than 2002 Recommended Daily Intakes in Taiwan. The daily isoflavone intake was 10.9±9.9mg, including daidzein 4.81±4.54 mg, genistein 6.30±5.86 mg, and glycitein 0.74±0.96 mg. The major isoflavone resources were tofu, dry tofu, soy milk, and soybean sprouts. In conclusion, postmenopausal women in the Taichung area showed higher calorie, fat and protein intake and less vitamin E, calcium, and magnesium intake than the average for Taiwan. Meanwhile, the isoflavone intake of these volunteers was less than other Asian countries such as Korea, Japan, and China.


