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Effect of the Different Preparation Methods on the Oxalate Content of Vegetables





草酸 食物分析 製備方式


Calcium oxalate is one of the most common causes for Urinary calculus formation in Taiwan, and the best prevention measure is through dietary control. This study investigated different preparation methods of vegetable and detects calcium oxalate content of the prepared vegetable. Samples used were spinach, sweet potato leaf, bitter gourd, celery, Chinese Pak Choi. The preparation methods were fresh vegetable, vegetable puree, vegetable juice, water quick-boiled, stir-fry, Chinese BBQ sauce added, and vinegar sauce added vegetable. The content of the calcium oxalate was then analyzed and calculated. The result showed that spinach has highest content (438.8±5.37), follow by sweet potato leaf (65.37±9.70), bitter gourd (39.62±1.52), celery (11.78±0.74) and Chinese Pak Choi (8.11±0.19). In those fresh preparation, calcium oxalate in vegetable puree higher than that of fresh vegetable and vegetable juice. Stir-fried vegetable displayed much higher than those of water quick-boiled vegetable. Chinese BBQ sauce added vegetable also showed higher content than vinegar sauce added vegetable. In conclusion, vegetable types and its preparation method affects calcium oxalate content of the food. For urinary tract patient, it is suggested to choose vegetable and its preparation method, also, intake of high cellulose containing foods could reduce occurrence of calcium oxalate disease.


oxalic acid food analysis food preparations
