  • 期刊

Design and Implementation of a Hybrid Solar-Wind Power Conversion System with Electrical Energy Management



本文旨在設計及製作一包含電能管理之太陽能與風力複合型發電系統,該系統以直流/直流升壓型功率轉換器(dc/dc boost power converter),搭配最大功率追蹤(maximum power point tracking)控制法則,使太陽能電池與風力發電機輸出最大功率。另外,文中亦提出直流升/降壓式截波器(dc boost/buck chopper)作爲蓄電池儲、釋能控制,完成系統能量平衡管理,提高供電可靠度。在發電系統方面採用三相三階層變流器(three-phase three-level dc/ac inverter)作爲直流/交流轉換之用,一方面利用三階層架構減少輸出電壓之諧波含量,另一方面將再生能源(renewable energies)輸出之直流電轉變成交流電,供給三相負載獨立使用或傳輸至電力網路,達到分散式供電系統(distributed generated system)之功能。最後本系統完成一520 W的獨立供電(stand-alone)系統及市電並聯(grid-connected)系統,在獨立供電模式下其額定輸出線電壓有效值爲220 V,頻率爲60 Hz;在並聯運轉下,可提供實功率及虛功率至電力網路。整體系統的運轉效率爲83%,三相三階層變流器輸出線電壓之總諧波失真率(total harmonic distortion)爲2.7%,並能符合IEEE Std. 519之規範。


A hybrid solar-wind power conversion system with energy management is designed and realized in this paper. This system adopts a dc-dc boost power converter as well as the perturb-and-observe algorithm for maximum power point tracking (MPPT) of solar and wind generation to achieve the most effective use of renewable energy. In addition, the dc-dc buck-boost chopper is also proposed as battery regulation for system management, to improve the reliability of the system. In addition, a three-phase three-level inverter is implemented because of its superior harmonic quality. Furthermore, the proposed system can be operated either in a stand-alone fashion or connected with a utility grid to achieve a distributed generated system. A prototype 520 W hybrid power conversion system is realized to provide proper power in grid-connected operation or 220 V, 60 Hz rated line-voltage for a stand-alone station. The experimental results show the efficiency of the whole system is 83%. Furthermore, the total harmonic distortion of the line voltage is 2.7%, which meets IEEE Std. 519.


