  • 期刊


The Social Networks of Semu Literati in the Late Yuan Period: Xie Boliaoxun as a Young Man


元代是一個多元族群、多元文化的社會。族群間的社會文化互動因而構成元史研究的重要焦點,而蒙古、色目人的漢化尤為學者重視的一個課題。 本文主要根據最近在韓國新發現的一本詩集-《近思齊逸稿》,對元季色目士人―偰百遼遜(1319-1360)―青年時代的社會網絡作一較為詳盡的考索。 本文核心六節勾勒出一個青年色目士人如何與家人、親戚、老師、朋友乃至方外之士互動,並由這種互動去了解色目青年的成長過程、人格塑造及其與周遭社會的關係。希望這種研析不僅反映一個色目青年在元季江南社會中成長的過程,也能顯示當時族際社會文化互動的整體方向。 本文顯示:百遼遜所承繼與營造的是一個青年科第士人的社會網絡,與漢族士人差別不大。但是,由於偰氏家族持續與本族聯姻,而且直至百遼遜一代仍然保持畏兀兒式的名字,反映偰氏仍未完全放棄原有之族群認同,若說此一家族在當時已經完全「漢化」,或許不免引起爭議。但由百遼遜的社會網絡看來,稱之為「士人化」,應屬允當。因其交往皆以士人為對象,並且以具有普世價值的士人文化為互動基礎,超越了族群鴻溝與地域藩籬。偰氏無疑為一士人化的色目家族,而百遼遜則為一青年士人。


元朝 色目 社會網絡 偰百遼遜 士人化


China under the Mongol Yuan rule in the 13(superscript th) and 14(superscript th) centuries was a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural society. Socio-cultural interactions among various ethnic groups constitute a major focus in Yuan studies. Mainly based on a poem collection recently discovered in Korea, Jinsizhai yigao, this paper offers a detailed study on the social network of a Uighur young man, Xie Boliaoxun (1319-1360), in the 14th century. The six core sections of this paper examine how this young man interacted with his kin, teachers, friends, and Buddhist and Daoist monks and how his growing process, personality and personal culture were affected by his social surroundings. Xie Boliaoxun's social network is studied as an indicator of the ways in which Semu young men grew up in Jiangnan society and the general direction in which the interethnic sociocultural relations moved in late Yuan. As the fmdings of this paper show, the social network of Xie Boliaoxun was one of the Confucian literati, since most persons closely interacting with him were literati and the basis on which they interacted was common literati culture. However, their close marital ties with other Uighur families and their retention of Uighur style of familial and personal names indicated that the Xies did not yet give up their original ethnic identity. It would be inappropriate to use the term ”sinicization” to describe the socio-cultural status of the Xies and many other Mongol and Semu families like them in the late Yuan. The new term ”literatization” would serve that purpose better.


Yuan dynasty Semu social network Xie Boliaoxun literatization


Franke, Herbert(1994).China under Mongol Rule.Aldershot, Hampshire:Variorum.
Hsiao, Ch''i-ch'' ing(1993).In the Service of the Khan.Wiesbaden:Harrasowitz.
Tu Fang, Lienche(1976).Dictionary of Ming Biography, 1368-1644.New York:Columbia University Press.


