  • 期刊


Visitors' Consumption Behavior of the Agricultural Products in the National Park: A Study of the Yangmingshan National Park


國家公園之土地利用方式與國家公園之經營管理目標相衝突的問題日益複雜,乃由於遊客成長迅速,帶動並影響原住農民之產業活動型態及土地利用方式,如何輔導農民適度發展當地產業特色,改善生活環境,並符合國家公園經營管理之目標,係爲管理單位所面臨並亟待解決之問題。本研究就地區之現況與遊客的意見作問卷調查,以提出經營管理之方案及建議。主要研究目的爲瞭解遊客對園區內販售行爲之認知,及本地農產品及外來販售行爲管理方式建議方案之討論,研究架構包括農產品販售對遊客的重要性,遊客認爲園區內農產品販售之優、缺點,遊客期望的農產品販售方式,及遊客可按受的管理方式。 研究之分析結果中發現消費山產性活動爲所列活動中遊客認爲較不重要之活動,遊客對農產品之品質及地域特色十分注重,且認爲銷售之農產品應納入管理,所能接受之管理方式爲:限制停車地點、農產品銷售地點、銷售點之停車時間及銷售點之停車位數等。而遊客認爲目前陽明山國家公園園內農產品銷售之主要優點爲地方特色及其方便性,缺點爲交通、景觀及環境污染問題。


The conflict between the management purpose of the national park and the usage of the private land in the national park is getting worse. The rapid growth of the number of visitors influences the residents to change their productions and the selling methods. How to reduce the conflict between the manager and the resident is one of the most important issues in the national parks. The purpose of this research is to realize visitors' perception towards the consumption behavior in the national park, and to discuss the management methods related to this topic. The main subjects discussed include the importance of the consumption behavior to the visitors, the advantage and the disadvantage of the consumption behavior, the selling methods that fit visitors' expectation, and the acceptable management methods by the visitors. The result shows that the consumption behaviors are not important to the visitors, comparing to the other recreation activities. For the consumption production, visitors are more emphasize on the local characters and the quality of the products. Visitors are more likely to have the products been managed and organized by an agency, The acceptable management methods include limit the parking areas, limit the selling location, limit the parking time in the selling location, and limit the number of the parking lots in the selling areas. The advantages of visitors consumption behavior are the local characteristics of the products and the convenient consumption, Visitors feel the disadvantages of the consumption behavior are the traffic problems, the bad landscape and the environment pollution.


