  • 期刊


The Impacts of the Interstitial Advertisements on Travel Websites on the Internet Users' Waiting Time Perception-A Perspective from Fill Mechanism


本研究以旅遊網站的插播式廣告爲例,探討當網路瀏覽者處於等待網路緩衝的情況下:(1)有無插播式廣告對於網路瀏覽者等待時間知覺的影響,(2)有無提供等待時間資訊對等待時間知覺的影響,以及影響過程中,是否會受到插播式廣告關聯性變數的干擾,(3)插播式廣告關聯性對等待時間知覺的影響,以及影響過程中,是否會受到對廣告涉入程度變數的干擾。 本研究招募250位大學生進行實驗。結果顯示:當消費者處於等待網路緩衝的情況下,如果旅遊網站有提供插播式廣告、提供高關聯性的插播式廣告、或提供有告知等待時間資訊的插播式廣告,都可以縮短消費者的等待時間知覺。此外在關聯性對於等待時間知覺的影響過程中,涉入程度確實具有干擾效果。


The study examines how having or not having interstitial advertisements on travel websites influences users' waiting time perception when Internet users encounter Internet buffer. We also examine how the waiting time information and the relevance of interstitial advertisements on travel websites influence users' waiting time perception when Internet users encounter Internet buffer and adopt the two-way ANOVA to analyze whether the two factors interact with each other. Besides, we examine whether the involvement moderates the relationship between the relevance of interstitial advertisements and waiting time perception. The subjects are 250 university students. We conclude that when informed possible waiting time or provided with highly related interstitial advertisements, the consumers percept short waiting time. We also conclude that involvement does moderate the relationship between the relevance of interstitial advertisements and waiting time perception.


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