  • 期刊


The Economic Valuation of National Sports Centers: An Application of the Contingent Valuation Method


本研究目的主要將國民運動中心視為一種運動公共財(sport public goods),以新北市正在興建之四座國民運動中心為假設性市場,透過導入評估非市場性財貨價值的假設評價法(contingent valuation method,CVM),對影響該區居民在此一公共財貨之需求關鍵因素與各項非使用價值之最高願付價格(willingness to pay,WTP)進行調查,並建立Tobit迴歸模型加以估計及檢定影響區民WTP的各項決定性因素,最後推估出每一國民運動中心之經濟價值。根據需求面的實證推估顯示,此四個國民運動中心的貨幣價值分別為土城區每年約28億元,板橋區每年約19億元,新莊區每年約120億元,以及淡水區每年約25億元。


This study treats National Sports Centers (NSCs) as one type of sport public goods taking four NSCs, which were under construction in New Taipei City, as hypothetical markets. By introducing the contingent valuation method (CVM), an evaluation approach of non-market goods, to conduct a survey on local residents and investigate the determinants of the demand side that affected their highest willingness to pay (WTP) on four non-use values of the sport public goods, these crucial parameters of the economic values of the four NSCs would be estimated and tested through the Tobit regression model. The results of estimations from the demand side showed that the monetary values of these four NSCs were about NT$2.8 billion for Tucheng District, NT$1.9 billion for Banqiao District, NT$12 billion for Xinzhuang District, and NT$2.5 billion for Tamsui District, respectively.


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