  • 期刊


Exploring the Value Context of Rural Tourism Stakeholders




Attributes and values of products are important factors that influence consumers' choice behavior, however, rural tourism studies have rarely investigated the relationship between attributes and values of rural tourism products. Based on the expected value theory, the purpose of this study was to understand the attributes, consequences, and values of rural tourism products. The study applied the means-end chain method to recruit 51 rural tourism stakeholders. In-depth one-on-one interviews were performed to ascertain these stakeholders' thoughts about rural tourism products. Based on the results, we established an attribute-consequence-value chain model and explored the values of rural tourism stakeholders. The results showed that 10 attributes, 9 consequences, and 7 values could be generalized. The study found that rich agriculture, multi-ecology, and special recreation resources are the primary attributes. Slow-pace life, diversification, and living experience are the major consequences. Ultimately, the main value in rural tourism is sustainability. The findings not only can provide managers and operators with useful information for tourism marketing strategies, but also enhance the value of rural tourism product attributes.


Rural tourism Means-end chain Stakeholders Value Attribute


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