  • 期刊

Effects of a City's Color Program on "Psychological Needs and Motives" and the "Place Identity" of Residents: A Case Study of Nan Fang Ao and Macau



A number of previous studies have explored place identity, however, few studies have investigated the relationship between a city's colors and place attachment, and the correlation between peoples' psychological needs and motives and their place identity. The environmental color of a city reflects the local customs, history, culture, natural characteristics, and collective memory of its population. This study aimed to understand the effects city color planning on the psychological needs and motives and place identity of residents in Nan Fang Ao and Macau. A survey was conducted to examine individual demographics, psychological needs and motives, and the place identity of residents in Nan Fang Ao and Macau, and a total of 393 valid questionnaires were collected. The results demonstrated that city color planning improved the psychological needs and motives and they place identity of residents. The environmental colors of Nan Fang Ao, presented after city color planning, elicited an increased level of belongingness and continuity of place among residents compared with those in Macau. This heightened belongingness and continuity may be attributed to the fact that the Nan Fang Ao city color program permitted resident participation during the color selection process from the planning to design stages. Based on the results, it would be helpful to select meaningful, local characteristic colors through resident participation in city color planning, as this would strengthen the level of residents' psychological needs and motives and their place identity.




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