  • 期刊


The Influence of Warning Signs on Visitors' Intention of Inappropriate Behavior: Case Study at Yangmingshan National Park, Taiwan




A pain point for managers of recreational areas is inappropriate behaviors by visitors, which further influence onlookers' recreational experiences. A common approach to deterring inappropriate behaviors is setting up warning signs. Research on the effectiveness of such signs and which types of information content and color usage have a stronger impact remains limited. Thus, this study aims to explore if environmental cues as well as the content and color of warning signs deter visitors' intention to engage in inappropriate behaviors. Using Yangmingshan National Park in Chingtienkang, Taipei, Taiwan, as a case study, this research examines behaviors toward a handrail safety sign installed between a visitor viewing area and wild buffalos. A total of 10 questionnaires with different hypothetical scenarios were designed. The results suggest that environmental cues, such as a handrail crossing sign, significantly reduce visitors' intention to reach across the handrail. Others are prone to follow the warning if one person does not follow the warning. Finally, warning signs with educational statements against a blue background have a stronger impact on deterring respondents' intention of inappropriate behavior.


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