  • 期刊


A Citation Study of Life Science Authors in Taiwan



本研究採用書目計量學的方法,進行台灣地區生命科學高生產作者影響力之國際指標研究。影響力即文獻被引用情況。高生產作者來自91年度國科會研究計畫「台灣地區生命科學生產力與影響力之國際指標研究(一)」之研究成果,作者被引用次數及自我引用之數據均檢索自國際知名之引用文獻系統Web of Science 的科學引用文獻索引(Science Citation Index, SCI)資料庫。研究內容計有:作者被引用、作者自我引用、生產力與被引用、生產力與自我引用、被引用與自我引用、被引用與合作者、被引用文獻與期刊影響因素,以及自我引用與合作者之間的關係。本研究進一步利用皮爾森相關數之統計檢,驗檢測上述各組變數之間的關係。本研究結果發現:台灣地區生命科學高生產與高影響力的作者群均是由較少數科學家組成。相關性檢測結果亦顯示,作者出版文獻越多,獲得的被引用總次數也越多。此外,作者生產力與自我引用之間不甚相關;被引用次數越多的作者,其自我引用的情況也越明顯。被引用總次數與被引用篇數呈高度正相關。文獻在第5年的被引用次數未必比第2年的被引用次數多。期刊影響因素愈高,文獻被引用次數相對也愈多。再且,當文獻被引用次數越多時,合作者人數也越多。最後,文獻之合作者人數越多,其自我引用次數也會略為增多。


This study employed bibliometric methodology to investigate the productivity and impact of the life science research in Taiwan based on the literature published and the citation received. The research productivity study was completed in July 2002. The present study explored the impact of life science research in Taiwan, in terms of author citation analysis and self-citation analysis. The author data was drawn from the results of the previous study of research productivity. One hundred most productive authors were studied. The data of cited author and self-citation were searched from Web of Knowledge, Science Citation Index (SCI) database. The correlation between productivity and citation, between productivity and self-citation and between citation and selfcitation were tested by the Pearson correlation coefficient. The results of the present study reveal that: For the 100 most productive and most cited authors, there are significant correlations between author productivity and citation counts, between citation counts and journal impact factor and between coauthor and self-citation, all with p<0.01 or p<0.05. However, the correlation between author productivity and selfcitation is not significant with p>0.01 or 0.05.


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