  • 期刊


Objects from Jiangnan and the 'Universe in the Pot': The Aesthetic of Bai Ju-yi's Lu-Dao Garden


在中國文人園林的發展歷史上,白居易標誌著一段重要的里程,他具有十分自覺的園林意識和創造能力,一生旅寄多方,每每有著開池置石的作為,造園經驗豐富,並且留下了大量的文字,自我言說園林事件的相關背景,提供了可以追索唐代文人園林活動的豐富資源。白居易最主要的園林經營,包括渭上下那邽園、江州廬山草堂、長安新昌宅與洛陽履道園等。其中江州廬山草堂作為失意宦途中家居之外的「他方」在山水名勝中尋求出塵隱匿之地;其餘三者皆屬住宅園林,空間規劃與人地關係與廬山草堂迴然有別。履道園尤為其中代表,是處為白居易晚歲二十餘年營構之所,經營歲月長久,景象構作幽邃精緻,詩人位居閒職,詩文吟詠極夥,加上洛陽東都的政治位置與權力核心在不即不離之間,正吻合詩人後來發展成熟的中隱觀念,提供了十分豐富的觀察面向。本文由履道園的景象建設談起,觀察白居易在舊主經營的基礎上,進行園林審美功能的加強與創新。其次論述園中「江南境物」的收藏,詩人賦予了多重複雜的情感和命意。再次論述詩人與園林相互繫屬的關係,標誌著「壺中天地」概念的初步形成。最後則嘗試以法國學者米歇爾‧傅柯(Michel Foucault)所提出的「差異地點」(heterotopia)的概念來輔助解說履道園的性質,詩人藉由對履道園的刻意建構與釋義,使得園林成為自我重構後生命情境展演的場域。


白居易 履道園 中隱 壺中 差異地點


Bai Ju-yi, with his creativity and strong sense of gardens, is a landmark in the developmental history of Chinese literati's garden. He traveled extensively and had abundant garden-founding experiences, about which he left numerous works to document the backgrounds and the founding processes of his garden designs. These works offer later generations plentiful materials to explore the literati garden-founding activity in the Tong Dynasty. Among all of the gardens that Bai had worked on, his main effort was devoted to Xia Gui Gardens in the Wei County, the Lu-Dao Garden in Luoyang, the New Chang Garden in Chang'an and Lushan Garden in the Jiang State. The former three functioned as dwelling houses, while the Lushan Garden served as ”another place” divided from Bai's mundane life when he suffered from severe frustration in his official career. Therefore, its space design and intended purpose can be easily distinguished from those of the other three. The Lu-Dao Garden is the most representative garden, on which Bai had spent about twenty years in his late life when his position was sinecure in Luoyang. With the adequate distance from power authorities, he had plenty of time intoning his literary works and was able to ripen his concept of recluse life. The prolonged constructing process brought about the exquisiteness of the garden that provided various aspects for researchers to observe. This essay firstly depicts the construction of the Lu-Dao Garden, showing how Bai creatively renovated this garden on the basic of its original structure. Then Bai's collection of objects from Jiangnan will be discussed to indicate how the poet endowed complex feelings and a multiple reflection of life to these objects. The relation between the poet and the garden reveals the development of the 'universe in the pot' concept. In the last part of this essay, the 'heterotopia' concept from Michel Foucault will be used to tease out the nature of the Lu-Dao Garden: a field Bai created for the purpose of displaying his self-reconstruction.




