  • 期刊


Neo-Confucians and the Adaptation of the Poems in Wen Xuan: Focusing on Liu Lu's Fengya Yi




理學 《文選》 劉履 《風雅翼》 總集


In the Yuan dynasty, The Liu family in Shangyu claimed themselves as the heir of Zhu Xi (1130-1200). Liu Lu (1317-1379), a member of this family, even published an anthology titled Fenya Yi. In this book, following the idea of Zhu Xi, Liu modified the poetry in Wen Xuan by rearranging their order and adjusting the number of works. It resulted in the transference of authorship of Wen Xuan which should originally belong to Xiao Tong (501-531). In fact, after hearing Zhu Xi's praise for Wen Xuan, many young neo-Confucians had a strong will to adapt this classic anthology so that it could have much more connection with Zhu Xi's ideas. Liu's book was a typical example of this phenomenon. This article discusses how Fenya Yi reinterprets the poetics of Wen Xuan so that Wen Xuan would become an evidence of the theory of 'Three Generations and Three Grades' which was designed by Zhu Xi. It is also hoped to show how the neo-Confucians intervened the tradition of Wen Xuan. The first part of this article simply introduces the Song Confucians' viewpoints towards Wen Xuan in order to understand the reason for the publication of Fenya Yi. Then, the article separately analyzes the three parts of the anthology as known as Xuanshi Buzhu, Xuanshi Buyi and Xuanshi Xupian. Liu used different methods to elaborate his idea in these parts. In the past, when talking about the Chinese anthologies, people usually described the style of poets and neo-Confucian as a binary opposition. However, by studying Fenya Yi, it proves that there was an intersection of them.


neo-Confucianism Wen Xuan Liu Lu Fenya Yi anthologies


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