  • 期刊


Revisiting the First Peace Treaty between Jin and Chu: The Position of the State of Song and the Characterization of Hua Yuan in Zuozhuan and Xinian




Combining traditional classical and historical scholarship, literary criticism, Western narrative theory, and cultural memory theory, this article interprets the issues surrounding the First Peace Treaty forged between Jin and Chu (579 BCE). It offers a comparative analysis of Zuozhuan and Xinian (an excavated text in the Qinghua University Bamboo Slips collection) with a focus on the position of the state of Song and the characterization of Hua Yuan. It discusses the background and results of the peace treaty as represented in these texts, as well as historical interpretations of this event. The first section of this article surveys traditional scholars' views on the First Peace Treaty based on Zuozhuan, and then demonstrates how the discovery from Xinian produced alternative understandings and why the First Peace Treaty merits further discussion. The second section explains the critical role played by the state of Song in the peace process. The third section examines the characterization of the Song leader Hua Yuan and his actions in both texts. Zuozhuan portrays Hua Yuan as a generally capable and shrewd statesman who was instrumental to the establishment of the peace treaty, even though some of his actions might have been controversial or drawn criticism; on the whole, he is presented as a multi-dimensional and dynamic character. In contrast, though mentioning Hua Yuan multiple times, Xinian omits details on his proactiveness in devising strategies to defend Song against the encroachment of Chu; it also fails to include any mention of his initiative in promoting the peace process. The fourth section analyzes the differences of accounts between Zuozhuan and Xinian in four respects: narration of geopolitical developments, the narrative function of the peace process, the designation of the polities bound to the language of the covenant, and the assignment of responsibility for the breakdown in peace soon after. The fifth section summarizes Zuozhuan's and Xinian's divergent interpretations of the historical figures and factors involved in the success/failure of the peace treaty. The conclusion underlines the significance of the first Jin-Chu peace treaty, not only in the context of mid-Chunqiu period (6^(th) c. BCE) geopolitics, but also as an important frame of reference for our understanding of the second Jin-Chu peace treaty (546 BCE).


巫雪如:〈從若干字詞用法談清華簡《繫年》的作者及文本構成〉,《清華學報》新 49 卷第 2 期(2019 年 6 月 )。DOI:10.6503/THJCS.201906_49(2).0001
李隆獻:《先秦兩漢歷史敘事隅論》,臺北:臺大出版中心,2017 年。DOI:10.6327/NTUPRS-9789863502388 Lee, L.-X. (2017). Xian Qin liang Han lishi xushi yulun [On historical narratives of the Pre-Qin and Han periods]. Taipei: National Taiwan University Press.
舊題漢•孔安國注,唐•孔穎達等疏:《尚書正義》,臺北:藝文印書館,1976 年,影印清嘉慶 20 年(1815)阮元江西南昌府學開雕之《十三經注疏》刻本。
漢•鄭玄注,唐•賈公彥等疏:《禮記正義》,臺北:藝文印書館,1976 年,影印清嘉慶 20 年(1815)阮元江西南昌府學開雕之《十三經注疏》刻本。
晉•杜預注,唐•孔穎達等疏:《左傳正義》,臺北:藝文印書館,1976 年,影印清嘉慶 20 年(1815)阮元江西南昌府學開雕之《十三經注疏》刻本。Kong, Y.-D., & Du, Y. (Annot.). (1976). Zuozhuan zhengyi [The commentary of Zuo with annotations]. Taipei: Yee Wen Publishing Co., Ltd. (Original work published in the Jin and the Tang dynasties)
