  • 期刊


A Further Study on "Ren" and "Ritual" in Pre-Qin Confucianism by Discussing the Imagination and Construction of Communities




民性 樂教 共同體


In Pre-Qin Confucianism, "ren" and "ritual" were interdependent, and "ren" was often defined as the demonstration of moral agency or immanent ethics dialogizing with external normativity of "ritual." An alternative approach is then taken. By reviewing the concept of legitimacy in the politics of ancient China, this article argues that the self-cultivation practice in Pre-Qin Confucianism should be understood within the historical context of Junzi regaining the legitimacy of their ruling. From this perspective, it is clear that, in contrast to Zhou people's passive attitude toward the masses in order to pacify the people, the main purpose of Confucianism was always about establishing the inner connection between the ruler and the people, which connotes the concept of civilizing people. This article takes "the system of rites" as a medium for Junzi to govern people and attempts to explore the meaning of "subdue one's self and return to propriety" (ke ji fu li) through the improvement of the function of "the system of rites" (i.e., to civilize people) and the changes of the legitimacy of the medium (i.e., to view dao as their goal). In this context, the way Confucian discussed "ren" may involve Zhou people's fictive kinship, within which the ruler was viewed as the people's parent. Under this governing imagination, an intention regarding a moral community where a mutual understanding is built between the ruler and the people is formed. An imagined community is thus constructed.


nature of masses dao rite evangelicalism communities


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