  • 期刊


Gu Jingyang's and Gao Jingyi's Theories of Self-Cultivation and Knowing the Essence by Referring to Li Jianluo's




知本 脩身 顧涇陽 高景逸 李見羅


Since Gu Jingyang and Gao Jingyi both criticized Li Jianluo, those in academic circles mostly thought that Li Jianluo only had a periodical influence on Gu and Gao, and little attention was paid to the inheritance and continuation of the Gu's, Gao's, and Li's theories. However, according to the misinformed missing book Daxue zhi yan and Daxue shuo, written in later periods, Gu's and Gao's theories of "self-cultivation" and "knowing where to stop" were inherited from Li Jianluo's interpretation of Daxue. The development of the nature to acquire knowledge was their correction to and reflection on Li Jianluo's practice aiming at absolute perfection in cultivating one's moral character. There are two points coming from Luo. Firstly, they all used "self-cultivation" to unify the eight items to correspond to the interpretation of "knowing where to stop," so that all efforts in Daxue were within its scope and became a system of self-cultivation. The reform of internal reflection was carried out synchronously in the practice of "the great incarnation of the void." Secondly, out of the common consciousness of correcting shortcomings of the state of having neither good nor evil, Li, Gu, and Gao all made conscience the lead of "stopping at perfection" and took it as the starting point to emphasize the significance of conscience as the essence of nature and practice as the essence of perfection. In terms of correction, Li Jianluo interpreted "self-knowledge" with the tenet of aiming at absolute perfection in cultivating one's moral character and established the direction of practice; Gu Jingyang stated outright that Li Jianluo's theory of putting the fundamental practice before the incidental mind went too far. He advocated that the mind and practice were both fundamental and referred to "extension of knowledge" as the hub of "knowing where to stop" and "self-cultivation." Gao Jingyi criticized Li Jianluo's bigotry aiming at absolute perfection in cultivating one's moral character. He pointed out that the body also had the meaning of outer form, and accordingly opposed Guo Jingyang's theory of no efforts which were required for studying the nature. In his opinion, "extension of knowledge" should be achieved by studying the nature, and only through a long period of time could the "mixed form and nature" be reached.


宋•朱熹:《四書章句集注》,臺北:大安出版社,1999 年。
宋•朱熹:《朱子全書》,上海:上海古籍出版社,2002 年。Zhu, X. (2002). Zhuzi quan shu [The complete works of Zhuzi]. Shanghai: Shanghai Ancient Books Publishing House. (Original work published in the Song dynasty)
明•王守仁:《王陽明全集》,上海:上海古籍出版社,1997 年。Wang, Y.-M. (1997). Wang Yangming quan ji [The complete works of Wang Yangming]. Shanghai: Shanghai Classics Publishing House.
明•李材:《見羅先生書》,《四庫全書存目叢書》,臺南:莊嚴文化有限公司,1995 年,據無錫市圖書館藏明萬曆刻本影印。
