  • 期刊

Dual Elite Recruitment Logic and Political Manipulation under Xi Jinping


Under Xi Jinping, the cadre recruitment policy of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been adapted. What are the political implications of these adaptations? This paper argues that Xi has sought to consolidate his power among the political elite and strengthen grassroots governance by introducing a new cadre recruitment policy. We propose the concept of "dual elite recruitment logic" as an aid to interpreting the cadre recruitment strategy in the Xi era: the CCP's system for appointing and promoting cadres at the full provincial/ministerial level (正部級, zhengbuji) and the grassroots follows' criteria that are different from those formulated under the previous "rejuvenation of cadres" principle. While China under Xi may be able to maintain political stability and promote socio-economic development in the short term, the lack of a new succession mechanism is the biggest obstacle to China's future political development.


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