  • 期刊


Village Elections in China: A literature Review


有關當前中國農村村民委員會選舉制度的推行和實驗,截至目前為止已歷經十多年的演進,儘管中共對開放村委會選舉的最初目的並不在於建立類似西方自由主義式的民主制度,然而村級政權選舉的開展,卻早已在廣大中國農村基層社會產生了極為重要的民主概念。 中共在過去十多年當中致力於推展村委會選舉的努力已經獲得外界許多正面的評價,至少過去幾年來致力於建立公平、競爭性選舉的努力已經獲得初步的成功。這方面包含:官員和村民均了解到選舉是如何進行的,何種機制可以確保幹部的廉潔與正直。在許多地區,村級政權的統治也已獲得實質的改善、財務狀況變得更為透明而村民對公共事務的參與度也增加了。 村委會選舉在中國農村的實施至今已經歷了五至六屆的改選,這項草根民主的改革近年來不斷地受到中外學者的關注和媒體的報導,其中尤以美國若干非政府部門,例如:卡特中心、共和黨國際研究所、福特基金會、亞洲基金會等機構對中國農村選舉的研究不遺餘力,其不僅早已針對農村選舉活動進行了上百場次的觀察與調查,更累積了相當豐富的資料和研究報告,本文即針對這些團體及個人在一九九七年至二○○○年的觀察報告作為研究主體,並提出本文在文獻回顧後的評論。


The Chinese government has been experimenting with direct elections at the village level for more than ten years. The official rationale for introducing village elections is focused on the reestablishment of effective local governance and the prevention of chaos following the brutal political campaigns of the Maoist era and the breakdown of the commune system after Mao's death. Nevertheless, champions of elections at the village level are not committed to liberal democracy. Village elections in China have, however, introduced important democratic concepts to the lowest levels of Chinese society. Many villages have held elections with such democratic trappings as contested primaries, secret ballots, and open vote tabulation. More than ten years of concentration on the development of village elections has resulted in many positive accomplishments. Years of effort dedicated to developing an election procedure that is fair and competitive have been successful. Village elections have received considerable publicity and concern in the western world in recent years. Such organizations as the Carter Center, the International Republican Institute, the Asia Foundation, the Ford Foundation, The European Union, and The United Nation's Development Agency have all been founded to observe, investigate, and research Chinese elections. The purpose of the study aims to review and examine the accumulated literature on this topic from 1997 to 2000.


Carter Center(1997).Carter Center Delegation Report: Delegation Observe Village Elections in China.Atlanta, GA:Carter Center.
Carter Center(1998).Carter Center Delegation Report: Village Elections in China.Atlanta, GA:Carter Center.
Carter Center(1998).Carter Center Delegation Report: Report on the Evaluation of the Pilot Project in Nine Counties among three Provinces.Atlanta, GA:Carter Center.
Carter Center(1998).Report of the Fifth Mission on Chinese Village Elections.Atlanta, GA:Carter Center.
Chan, Sylvia(1998).Research Notes on Villagers' Committee Election: Chinese-style Democracy.Journal of Contemporary China.7(19)
